printing invented
The oldest paper known was found in China.In 105BC bamboo rocks were replaced with paper.By the 8th century China went to conventio block printing. -
Sep 16, 612
babylon flourishes under king nebuchazzar
Nebuzzar continued is dads work in makeing his capitol a world wondwr.His city was near te euphrates river and there was an underground passage that connected city to city.His city was imperable with trple layer walls. -
Sep 16, 722
Kingdom of Isreal
Assuriansconquered Isreal in 722BC.They settledin Sammaria.They worshiped Yah meh. -
Sep 16, 1020
new stone age begins
Paleolitic staryed 2.5 million years ago in East Africa.Mesolithic began after the first stone age.The Mesolithic began 10,000yearsago. -
first written laws,code of hammurabi completed
The hammurabi code was a Babylonian law code dateing back to 1722BC.The first law is if anyone ensure another but cant prove it than he can be put to death.Another law is If he satisfes elders for money shall be fined -
King darious if Persia developes a common set of weights,measurements,and coins
Was the third king of the Persian empire.He organized the empire by dividing it into provinences.He developed laws for egypt. -
hitties develope ironh
Ancient people that established an empire in Anatolia around18BC.They used mesopotamian cuneiform letters.Ascript proving the discivery was found in1884. -
Sargon of Akkad builds fitst known empire
The capito was Akkad.The languages were Akkadian,Summarian.The government was monarchy.. -
Babylonian empire
The ealiest mention of Babylon can be found in a tablet2334-229BC.At the time Babylon was very religous.The first city state was partially foundedby an ammorite of assyra in 1894BC -
Periods of Egyptian civilization
Egyptan civilization began around 3150BC.It reached the heights of its power during the new kingdom.In the third perid egypt was conquered. -
Persian armies cimmanded by Cyrusthe great capture babylon
Cyrus was the grandson of Ostygyrus .He overthrew his grand father. Then he persued sirus into lidious and took the city by storm. -
Egypt build first pyramid
They were built for king Zoser around 2650.It doesnt have a true pyramid shape.Egyptians believed that they were recreating the shape of the first land that emergedd from the sea. -
use of bronze in egypt
The bronze age was characterized by the use of copper. It was found in the neolithic period.Bronze age cultured differed in develpme of writing. -
Cuneiform writing
Cuneiform writing emerged in Mesopotamia around3500BCE.The stylus was the main writing tool.Writing was used to record the devlopment of crops. -
old stone age begins
The stone age lasted 3.4 million years.It ended with the advent of metal working.Evidence of the stone age was proven to be 3.5 million years ago. -
upper and lower egypt united by king menes
Before egypt was united it was seprated into two parts.The kungs even wore different crowns.One day menesswept the bottom and united them into one.