Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus was a first century jewish preacher. Most Chirstans believe that he is the son of God. John the Baptist baptized Jesus. Jesus was restruected from the tomb after 3 days. They believe that the holy spirt conceived him. He was killed on a cross after being beaten by Roman soliders. -
Paul of Tarsus
Paul is considered the second most important founder of Chirstanity. Although he never met Jesus of Nazarth. In his early career he actually prosectduded many Christans. Soon after his attacks he had a vison and was converted immeditaly. He brought a very energetic attitude and can do spirt. In history we know exactly what his purpose was it was written down although we know nothing about Jesus of Nazareth and his goals. -
The Great Fire of Rome
The Great dire was a fire that burned for 6 days. It burned down a large part of Rome, 65%. Many believe that the current Emporer Nero started the fire. They believe this because at the time Nero wished to rebuild Rome in his image although the Senate denied him. Many reports say that they say Nero sitting in his palace playing the fiddle while Rome burned. During the fire, some gangs prevented people from stopping it as they threatened to kill them. The fire ended on 7/23/64. -
Roman Rule of Israel (begins)
The Romans reorganized the way that Israel was laid out to pevent uprisings from the people and destabilize the country. This was also done to organise the country into admistrative districts. There was a considerable amount of fighting between the higher ups for who would get to be the leader of Israel.While many of the people attepting to lead Isreal where rich they where not very skilled. Although the peopl saw the leader as an agent for them in the eyes of the Roman empire. -
She wrote a diary that is one of the longest lasting pieces of writing in ancient times. She writes about how her life is a prison. She also writes about the hardships that she was forced to go through. Her father wanted her to forget all about Christianity though she wouldn't do it. She claims to have seen visions of her entering heaven. On her death bed she gave the dirary to Felicity who wrote about the hardships of the Christans as a whole and about Perpetua's death. -
Great Persecution of 303 CE
The Great Persecution was the last but worse persecution of the Christians. Sadly discrimination was evident towards Christians until 250 when it became severe and torture was now legal. Many loved watching the Christians die except Constantine. It got to a point where Christians were required to give human sacrifices. While there was a lot of hardship for the Christians including having their leaders murdered a majority of them remained unharmed. -
Battle of Milvian Bridge
The battle was Constantine versus Maxentius. Due to this battle, Constantine was given total control of the western half of Rome. This battle also helped the expansion of Christianity as Constantine allowed it to spread. Maxentius decided against playing it safe and took to a direct assault at Constantine. While Maxentius had a great bridge he decided to build a bridge out of plontoons to transfer troops. Maxentuis finally retreated but Constantine killed many of his men on the way out. -
Constantine the Great
Constantine was the first Roman emperor to worship Christianity. He created the Edict of Milan, this edict allowed Christianity in Rome. He built a church on top of Jesus's tomb site. He built a new imperial residence in modern day Istanbul. Constantine reorganized the government by separating civil and military sources. He introduced the solides which was a new gold coin which was the standard for 1000 years. He also reorganized the army to have mobile troops and garrison soldiers. -
Edict of Milan
This was an edict that was passed to allow Christan tolerance in Rome. This law ended unfair treatment that Christans received from Romans. This allowed the Christans to organize churches, and where given many legal rights. While there where previous attepmts they finally mangaed to succed with the Edict of Milan. -
Emperor Theodosius
Theodosius was the last empire to rule both sides of Rome. He also was emperor during 2 civil wars and won both. While he worked as a co-emperor for a while in 392 he had the empire to himself. When he fought the Gothic war he was doing so well that the co-emperor had to move people out so that he could fight. Sadly he was ill and couldn't fight, his troops where unmotivated and untrained, and the barbarians lived realitiively close to the Romans.