Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

  • 64 BCE

    The Great Fire of Rome

    The Great Fire of Rome
    The Great Fire of Rome Was important because it was a huge fire that burned down 10 of the 14 districts in Rome. Fun Facts:
    1.The fire started in merchant shops around the Circus Maximums.
    2.Over 60,000 buildings were burned in the fire.
    3.There were only 6 recorded deaths from the fire.
    4.It is believed that Emperor Nero started the fire.
    5.Nero blamed the Christians for the fire.
  • 37 BCE

    Roman Rule of Israel

    Roman Rule of Israel
    Roman Rule of Israel was started with an invasion of Israel, making Herod, a son-in-law of Hyrcanus II, King. Fun Facts:
    1. Israel was divided into five synhedroi or districts.
    2. The government was so weak they couldn't even collect taxes.
    3. Jerusalem was destroyed under Roman rule.
    4. The Temple was destroyed as well.
    5. There was a lot of violence during roman rule.
  • 5 BCE

    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    Jesus of Nazareth was the Man who started the Christian Religion. Fun Facts:
    1. As a Child he loved to learn
    2. He amassed a following that started the Christian Religion
    3. He was Crucified by the Romans.
    4. He was baptized by John the Baptist.
    5. He was arrested in Jerusalem
  • 65

    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    Paul of Tarsus was A man who became a saint even after he wanted to put all Christians to death. Fun Facts:
    1. His original name was Saul
    2. His change of heart was called the conversion
    3. the conversion happened on January 25
    4. He had a vision of Jesus
    5. He worked with Saint Peter.
  • 101


    Perpetua was a Christian martyr who wrote The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity. Fun Facts:
    1. Perpetua lived in Carthage
    2. She was arrested along with 4 other people.
    3. She made a dairy that is one of the oldest surviving documents.
    4. Her Diary described her imprisonment
    5. She was condemned to death in the Arena
  • 303

    Great Persecution of 303 CE

    Great Persecution of 303 CE
    The Great Persecution of 303 CE was the last of the persecutions of the Christians where Christians had almost all of their rights removed. Fun Facts:
    1. A bunch of Edicts were issued by the Emperors Diocletian, Maximian, Galerius, and Constantius.
    2. One of the Emperors destroyed the church.
    3.The Christian city city of Phrygia was burnt.
    4.Instead of killing Christians some governors would Torture the Christians.
    5. A ton of Christian books were burned.
  • 312

    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    Constantine the Great became Emperor in 312 when he won a battle against Maxentus and becoming the ruler of Rome. Fun Facts:
    1.Constantine issued the Edict of Milan in 313, allowing Christianity to be legal in Rome.
    2.Constantine Moved the Capital of Rome to Constantinople.
    3.He was born in the year 280.
    4.Constantine reorganized the military so that is was easier to fight small tribes.
    5. Constantine's father was an emperor before him.
  • 312

    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Battle of Milvian Bridge
    Battle of Milvian Bridge was a crucial battle in the civil war that ended with a victory by Constantine. Fun Facts:
    1. Maxentius tried to order a retreat across the river but he and many of his men drowned.
    2.The battle was fought on a small bridge to keep Constantine's forces from overpowering Maxentius and his troops.
    3. Constantine ordered his men to paint crosses on their shields.
    4. Constantine out-maneuvered Maxentius's troops.
    5. Constantine took Rome on October 29th 312.
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    The Edict of Milan was made by Constantine and It made Christianity Legal. Fun Facts:
    1. It gave religious freedom to everyone, not just Christians.
    2. It was made at the Conference of Milan.
    3. It was made by both Constantine and Licinius
    4. It did not make Christianity the official religion of the empire.
    5. Constantine was ordered in a dream to allow Christianity.
  • 379

    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    Emperor Theodosius Was Known as Theodosius the great because he was a christian, not because he was a good emperor. Fun Facts:
    1. He was the last emperor to rule over both halves of the Roman Empire.
    2.He was the son of an Emperor killed for high treason.
    3. In order to pay for his army he had to raise taxes a ton.
    4. He was a Christian
    5. When a City rioted, He announces a chariot race, when everyone was in the arena, He killed them all.