Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

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    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    Paul was born on 4 and died on 60.He was one of the leaders of first generation Christians. He is often considered to be the most important after Jesus. He did not get much respect as other Christian leaders. His letters had a huge influence on Christianity today.
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    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    Jesus had many names such as Jesus of Nazareth. Although he was born in Bethlehem he was from Nazareth. He was born around 6 BCE. It is believed his mom was a virgin and he conceived from the holy spirit. He became a priest but his career only had lasted a year. In 30 AD he went to observe Passover in Jerusalem and he was arrested and executed.
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    Roman Rule of Israel

    Roman Rule of Israel
    Roman rule over Israel began in 63 and didn't end until 135. They had to Pay Roman tax. In 66 the Jews revolted and 4 years later the Roman empire had crushed them. After the revolt Jewish temple was destroyed and synagogues became places of warship for them.
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    The Great Fire of Rome

    The Great Fire of Rome
    The fire started on July 19, 64 AD in the shops lining the Circus Maximus. The fire was not out ordinary, it was a city of 2 million. Two thirds of Rome was destroyed. The fire had lasted for 6 days and then the fire reignited and burned for another 3 days. It is believed Nero had started the fire so he could rebuild the city the way he wanted to.
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    She had wrote about her trial and imprisonment. A contemporary kept on writing after her death and it described her death. Her writing is one of the only texts written by a women from ancient times. Her diary was read every year in Carthage churches. It was read by orthodox Christians and heretical Cataphrygian. She had died in 203.
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    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    He was born in 280, in Naissus, Moesia. His father became Emperor of western Rome in 305. After his father died he fought to become emperor of western Rome and he did in 312. He became the Emperor of Rome in 324. He issued the Edict of Mulan protecting christians. He converted to Christianity right before he died in 337.
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    Great Persecution of 303 CE

    Great Persecution of 303 CE
    The Great Persecution began in 303. They would destroy places of Christian warship. The first prosecution was the day after the celebration of the god Terminus. The 4th prosecution occurred a year later and it was ritual sacrifice, pain of death and in public. Galerius took over and continued the persecutions until 311.
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    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Battle of Milvian Bridge
    The battle had been in 313. The had been between Constantine and Maxentius. Constantine had a dream about how he should use the cross to help him win. He had put a cross on every soldiers shield. Milvian Bridge was a vital crossing point and had been dismantled to stop invasions. After Constantine won he had believed it was god who helped him but it really was his tactics he used.
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    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    It was created in 313 by Licinius and Constantine. The Edict of Milan let every person warship what ever they wanted too. This meant Christians could practice their religion and not be prosecuted. It wasn't short like most of the other Edicts. It was posted all over eastern Rome.
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    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    He was born in 347 , in caucus, Gallaecia. Theodosius became emperor of east Rome in 379. The first thing he did as emperor was strengthen his military. He had also created a treaty with the Persians, this caused peace on the eastern border. He stepped down from emperor in 392.