Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

  • 379 BCE

    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius ruled over the Roman Empirefrom 379 to 395 and was also the last emperor to rule over both the Easern and Western halves of the Roman Empire, he was a very skilled military man and was made emperor because of this. He is mainly known for settling the issues between the Romans and Goths who were allowed to setlle but became allies of Rome
  • 313 BCE

    Edict of Milan

    The Edict of Milan was the law written by Constantine the great and was the order that made all Christian practices and worships legal as they were not before and had been heavily persecuted for within the Roman Empire
  • 312 BCE

    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    The Battle of Milvian Bridge was a civil war fought between Roman generals Constantine and Maxentius, this is the battle where Constanitne supposedly sees a cross in the sky before the battle and sees it as divine intervention from God and he won a decisive victory at this battle and influenced him to become a christian
  • 306 BCE

    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great was an emperor or the Roman empire that before battle saw a cross in the sky and recieved divine intervention from God that won him the battle and he became a Christian and would later be responsible for the Edict of Milan that would legalize Christianity and their worshipping practices
  • 303 BCE

    Great Persecution of 303 BCE

    The Great Persecution of the Roman empire was the events that took place in which many Christians were executed and tortured under the rule of Nero, some were put in the arena with wild beasts, some were burned alive, and some were beheaded. The Great Persecution was a dark time for Christians and many hid their faith.
  • 203 BCE


    Perpetua was a Cathaginian woman who wrote texts such as The Passion of Saints, and Perpetua and Felicity which recounted the experience of her trial as well as imprisonment that was continued by a contemporary
  • 64 BCE

    Great Fire of Rome

    The Great Fire of Rome was a fire that consumed much of Rome during the empires existence and many believe that the emperor Nero started the fire and tried to have Christians take the blame for it so people would continue to shun them and their religion.
  • 63 BCE

    Roman rule of Israel

    Roman general Pompey conquered Jerusalem in 63 BC and it became a provice on Rome, tensions began to rise though between Romans and Jews and many wars were fought between the two, these wars resulted in the eventual destruction of Jerusalem and others.
  • 62 BCE

    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus who was also referred to as Saint Paul was a first century Cristian leader and is considered to the second most important figure for this time behind only Jesus, his later letters that were discovered only solidified his importance in this movement
  • 30 BCE

    Jesus of Nazareth

    Often referred to as Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ, he was a first century religous leader and was thecentral figure of Christianity and helped to spread the religion around the western world, most people believe that Jesus was the incarnation of God's son and he awaited the the Messiah