Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

By j0shm
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    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    Jesus of Nazareth was known as the man figure of Christianity. He began the spread of Christianity in a small town by the name of Judea which was located in a far corner of the Roman Empire. Christianity began small then eventually spread across the entire Roman Empire, the the World. Jesus granted forgiveness, hope, and eternal life to whoever became apart.
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    The Province of Judea was named to be known as The Kingdom of Judah. The Crucifixion of Jesus and the Jewish-Roman wars both took place in the town of Judea. Two different wars took place between the Jews and the Romans. In the second war the Romans destroyed the Second Temple of Jerusalem.
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    The Great Fire of Rome

    The Great Fire of Rome
    The great Fire of Rome was caused by the conflict of Romans and Christians. Emperor Nero was not happy by the way Rome was being run and he wanted to restart. Nero set the Empire ablaze and all was burned but the Christian part of the Empire. Nero attempted to blame the Christians for the fire. Nero was cruel to the Christians setting them to burn at the stake and feeding them to animals.
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    Paul the Apostle

    Paul the Apostle
    Paul the Apostle was a man who first founded many Christian Churches. He was also known as Saint Paul and Paul of Tarsus. Paul wrote many books including 13 of the 27 books in the New Testament which is apart of the Holy Bible. Paul was both Roman and Jewish so he helped bring them both together in peace.
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    Perpetua and four others were arrested for believing in Christianity. They were help prisoners in Carthage and were sentenced to death in the arena. While she was in prison Perpetua kept a diary of what she thought heaven would look like. The story of Perpetua is one of the only surviving documents written by a woman in ancient Rome
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    The Great Persecution and Diocletian Act

    The Great Persecution and Diocletian Act
    The Great Persecution was the most severe persecution towards the Christians ever. Thousands of Christians were fed to beasts in the Coliseum. The Diocletian Act sentenced all Christians to prison and then into sacrifice. The act was ended in 311
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    Constantine The Great

    Constantine The Great
    Constantine the great ruled as the Roman Emperor from 306 to 337. He began as a soldier and worked his way up in the military where he took his fathers spot as Emperor. Constantine defeated many other emperors in Civil Wars. Constantine later became the first Christian Emperor.
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    The Battle of the Milvian Bridge

    The Battle of the Milvian Bridge
    The Battle of Milvian Bridge was fought between Emperor Constantine and Emperor Maxentius. Constantine was proclaimed victorious of the battle. During the battle he had a vision in the shy, if he were to put God's name on the shields he would win. After this battle it set Constantine on a mission to become the sole ruler of Rome.
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    The Edict of Milan

    The Edict of Milan
    The Edict of Milan was created by Emperor Constantine. It stated that there will be religious freedom within the Roman Empire, most being Christians. The Edict of Milan was created in counter of the Diocletian Act which prohibited Christians. Constantine granted many favors to the Christian churches in return for the past harm.
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    Theodosius 1

    Theodosius 1
    Theodosius was the very last emperor to rule Rome until its downfall. Rome was beginning to struggle during his reign because of the constant invasions of outside groups attempting to destroy the empire. Theodosius let certain parts of the empire have their own leaders which was not how past Rome was run. This made it very hard for Rome to sustain itself.