63 BCE
Roman rule of Israel begins
Roman rule of Israel began with the conquering of it by Pompey, and was later, in 70 CE razed to the ground by Titus' army. -
Jesus of Nazareth
When Jesus of Nazareth was alive based on the best information at modern historians disposal. Also lead to the birth of Christianity. -
Period: 4 to 33
Jesus of Nazareth's life
Paul of Tarsus
Paul of Tarsus is considered the second most important figure in Christianity, second to Christ. He wrote many letters and traveled thousands of miles to spread the faith. -
Period: 5 to 67
Paul of Tarsus' life
Fire of Rome & Persecution
Nero's persecution of Christians after blaming them for the Fire of Rome. Persecution via being thrown to the beasts, burned alive, and being used as garden torches. -
Perpetua was a Christian martyr who was executed for being a Christian. She also wrote a book called 'The Passion of Saints'. Her book was finished by a contemporary after her execution. -
Period: 182 to 203
Perpetua's life
Constantine the Great
Emperor Constantine's rule, during which he had a vision to put the first two letters of Jesus' name on his troop's shields to win a battle against an enemy who outnumbered him. He also founded Constantinople, where many churches, including the Hagia Sophia, were built. -
Period: 272 to 337
Constantine the Great's Life
Great Persecution of 303 CE
The Great Persecution of 303 CE was the last and largest persecution of Christians before Constantine legalized Christianity. During the Persecution thousands of Christians were killed. -
Battle of the Milvian bridge
The Battle of the Milvian bridge was between Constantine the Great and Maxentius, where Constantine's troops were outnumbered. Constantine the Great put the first two letters of Jesus' name on his troop's shields and then won the battle, which helped in convincing Constantine the Great to convert to Christianity. -
Edict of Milan
The Edict of Milan was a letter signed by Constantine and Licinius legalizing the practice of Christianity in the empire. -
Theodosius I
Emperor Theodosius I was the last roman emperor to rule over both halves of the Roman empire. He campaigned against various barbarian tribes and the goths. -
Period: 347 to 395
Theodosius I's life
Fall of West Rome
Fall of Constantinople