Rise of Christianity in The Roman Empire

  • Period: 63 BCE to 313

    Roman Rule Of Israel

    Rome Conquers and maintains relative control for 376 years
    Several rebellions all stopped by Titas
    More rebellions and faster reconquering
  • Period: 4 BCE to 30

    Jesus is Alive

    Jesus is Born in the manger
    He gathers a lot of followers
    Rome doesn't like him
    Crucified (Easter)
    Comes back just to heal some peeps and leave
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    Great Fire of Rome

    Great Fire of Rome
    During the time of Nero
    He blamed Christians for it
    He had several suspects crucified
    Many suspect it was actually started by Nero
    Burned for seven days
  • Period: 64 to 69

    The Death of Paul of Tarsus

    Paul was ordered to be killed by Nero.
    He was supposedly killed in between 64-69 AD
    Christian Martyr
    Often considered the most important Christian icon after Jesus
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    The Death of Perpetua

    The Death of Perpetua
    Perpetua was put to death for being Christian
    She gathered more followers for it
    She was thrown to lions but survived
    eventually killed by a soldier
    Supposedly had to guide his blade to her throat
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    The Great Persecution

    The Great Persecution
    Rome persecuted Christians
    Last and most severe persecution
    At first the emperor didn't want to
    The emperors wife and daughters were supposedly Christian
    Trying to convert Christians to Paganism
  • Period: 306 to 337

    Constantine the Great is Emperor

    Constantine is named emperor of the eastern part of Rome when it was divided into four-ish parts.
    He also managed to combine them for a while.
    Converted to Christian after the Battle of Milvian Bridge
    Helped Create the Edict of Milan
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    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Battle of Milvian Bridge
    Between Constantine and Maxentius.
    Constantine claimed to have a vision that said if he put Christian symbols on his army, he would win.
    He did it and won so
    he started becoming Christian.
    This was the begining of the Roman Catholic religion
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    Gives Freedom of Religion to Rome
    created by Constantine and Licinius
    Constantine and Licinius were rivals
    Constantine had turned Christian
    Christianity was very hated at the time
  • Period: 379 to 395

    Theodosius is Emperor

    Last emperor to govern all of Rome.
    Wanted to get rid of Paganism
    He had many Christian followers
    Issued the Edict of Thessalonica which made Christianity the official religion of rome