Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

By 73035
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    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    Jesus of Nazareth is the foundation of Christianity and by the Messianic Jewish people who proclaim Him to be the Messiah. His tale started when he was 12 years old and was seen in a temple answering questions.
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    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    Paul was one of the first leaders in Christianity, he is considered one of the most important people in history under Jesus.Paul was hated by many people in his time but he still tried to have Christians free and able to practice as well as work on his own self worth.
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    Roman Rule of Israel (begins)

    Roman Rule of Israel (begins)
    Rome was in charge of Judea, they covered everything that had to be done. Rome divided Syria into 5 synhedroi, or administrative dis­tricts. They made this agreement to eliminate the age‑old system of toparchies (administrative districts made up of central towns and the rural areas surrounding them).
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    Great Fire of Rome

    Great Fire of Rome
    Nero was the ruler at the time, a fire broke out burning the shops along the Circus Maximus. This fire was during a normal time that it was hot and fires were almost everywhere in the city. This fire was very different it burned 6 days until under control and then another 3 days.When all the smoke had cleared 2/3 of Rome was in ruins.People blame Nero for these fires and say he watched from the side playing his fiddle.
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    Perpetua, the daughter of a prosperous provincial family was drawn to the growing church. Perpetua being apart of the church was sent to prison,even though it was against the edict. Since it was not part of the edict she was catechumens (baptized). This was not allowed and she and 4 other people were sent to death in the Arena.
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    Great Persecution of 303 CE

    Great Persecution of 303 CE
    Many emperors were against Christianity because they would not give sacrifices. On 24 February AD 303, the day following the Terminalia, Christians had started to be executed starting with senior clerics and church property. During this time no one was safe.
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    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    Constantine wanted to make Christianity the main religion in Rome. Even though he only received a baptism before his death he was thought to have been a Christian his entire life.In 313, Constantine and Licinius issued the Edict of Milan, decriminalizing Christian worship.
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    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Battle of Milvian Bridge
    A battle between Maxentius and Constantine for the area of Rome and places around. Maxentius had crossed over a bridge with his army then cut it down so no one could cross. When Constantine was charging toward them they retreated to boats they had laid down, as they were crossing the boats crashed beneath their feet.
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    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    A proclamation that was made to let Christians practice in Rome without killing them. This document was between the Roman emperors Constantine I and Licinius in February 313.The main rule with this proclamation was that you could practice any religion in the roman empire
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    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    Theodosius was an emperor of the east is the years 379–392 and then emperor of the east and west in 392–395. He decided to have his power set under the churches power, setting a standard for more than a millennium. Early is his reign he had an illness and accepted to be baptized. he called a council at Constantinople to put an end to the Arian heresy that had separated Rome for over half a century.