Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

  • 64 BCE

    Roman Rule of Israel

    Rome took control of Israel from Syria in 64 BC. Five facts are; Rome ruled Israel during the book of Acts. Ruling Israel gave Rome more opportunities to move between different locations. As long as Israel obeyed the Romans they were free to practice their religion. People in Israel through their right to worship their god was only a privilege. The Roman law gave people certain rights like release from court and military.
  • 6

    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    Jesus was born 6-4 AD and died 30 AD. Five facts about him are; Religious leader of Christianity. At one point he became a carpenter. His teachings are about God and the kingdom of God. Jesus preformed miracles such as curing a blind man, curing a paralyzed man, and feeding people full in just little amounts of food. Jesus was later crucified for saying he was king of the Jews.
  • 62

    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    Paul of Tarsus was born 4 BCE and died 62-64 CE. Five facts about him are; One of the leaders of the first generation Christians. Considered most important person other than Jesus in Christianity. Major figure in the Christian movement. He believed that his vision that Jesus lived in heaven and would return was true which started main things of Christianity. He wrote the books in the bible the new testament.
  • 64

    Great Fire of Rome

    Great Fire of Rome
    The great fire was a fire that started at the shops lining the Circus Maximus. It started on July 19th, 64 AD. Five interesting facts about this fire are; the flames of this fire roared for six days until finally being under control. Two thirds of Rome was destroyed in the fire. Nero the emperor at the time was not in Rome but miles away. The fire reignited after being under control and burned for another three days. The 800 year old temple of Jupiter was destroyed. This fire destroyed tons.
  • 203


    Perpetua was born 182 and died March 7th, 203. Five facts about Perpetua are; Christian martyr. Wrote "The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity. The text she wrote is one of the rare surviving documents written by a woman. Perpetua began her writing with telling of the imprisonment she was facing and her trial. Her diary was read annually in Carthages churches.
  • 272

    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    Constantine the Great was born on February 2nd, 272 AD and died May 22nd, 337 AD. Five facts about Constantine are; first emperor to profess Christianity. Created a Christian culture in Rome. Signed the Edict of Milan which made prosecution against Christians illegal. Made the second capital of Rome Constantinople. Started a Christianize governing class. Overall Constantine was a man of faith and brought that to the Empire of Rome.
  • 303

    Great Prosecution of 303 CE

    Great Prosecution of 303 CE
    The Great Prosecution of 303 is not in-fact great. The Great Persecution was the persecution of Christians between 303 CE and 311 CE. Five facts are; the persecution was brought on by emperors Diocletian, Maximian, and Constantius. Under Diocletian's rule the last great persecutions happened. This caused martyrs to the religion, this happened and caused more attention on Christians. Extreme violence towards the Christians. It started as a way to unite Rome. Created four Edicts to take away blame
  • 312

    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Battle of Milvian Bridge
    The battle of Milvian Bridge was a crucial battle for the civil war. Five facts are; The battle was between Constantine and Maxentius. Constantine said he had a dream that told him he was going to win. Constantine was a great general which mainly led to their sucess. Maxentius's men broke formation which was a leading factor to losing. Constantine took power in Rome on October 29th.
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    An agreement between two emperors (Constantine and Licinius). Five facts about the Edict of Milan; granted all people the freedom to worship what they believe in. It granted Christians legal rights to form churches. Other edicts have been set up but they did not last like this one. Copies are still existing were posted by Licinius in east parts of the Empire. It also granted Christians their confiscated spaces back.
  • 347

    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    Emperor Theodosius was born on January 11th, 347 AD and died January 17th, 394 AD. Five facts about him are; he established the creed of the Council Nicaea. He directed the second general council. Enforced more strongly against the pagans the religious policy he set. He took up faith unity within the empire. First emperor to not take the title pontifex.