64 BCE
Roman Rule of Israel (begins)
The empire became more unstable as it grew larger. Positions of Authority became of high turnover. By the time Rome got to israel it was too thin and spread out. Rome said that Israel could keep their religious practices as long as they paid taxes, obeyed Roman rule and kept peace. Jews were allowed to have certain rights. Dealings with Jews and Romans were mostly positive. -
Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus lived from 4 BCE to 30 CE. First Century Jewish Preacher and religious leader. Jesus is the central figure of Christianity. He was baptized by John the Baptist. He began his own ministry. Jesus was arrested and tried by Jewish authorities. After his death, his followers believe that he rose from the grave. -
Paul of Tarsus
Paul of Tarsus died 64 CE.
He was commonly referred to as Saint Paul. Considered one of the most important figures in the Apostolic Age. He founded several churches in Asia Minor and Europe. Paul dedicated most of his life to the persecution of Christians. He used his status and a Roman and a Jew to minister both of them. -
The Great Fire of Rome
The great fire of Rome started on July 19 and lasted six days.
The fire was started in a merchant shop in the Cirus Maximus. This fire destoryed 2/3 of Rome. The fire spread so quickly because there were lots of highly flamable slums in Rome. The emporer Nero blamed the fire on the Christian community. This caused the first persecution of Chiristians. -
Died on March 7th, 203.
This text was written by a christian martyr. This text was an account of her trial and imprisonment for being Christian. The text was then continued by a description of her death in the arena. One of the only documents written by a woman in the ancient world. This text account took place in Carthage. -
The Great Persecution of 303 CE
The Persecution was during the winter of 303 CE. The emperor said that the Christians were not allowed to meet, and all of their bibles were burnt in public. Modern historians believe that between 2,500 and 3,500 were killed in the prosecution. The Christians were removed from the military. Diocletian preferred an activist government. -
Constantine the Great
The reign as emperor from 306-337 AD. He enacted military, social, administrative, and financial reforms to strengthen the empire. He was the first roman Emperor to convert to Christianity. His is referred to in history as the first Christian emperor. Constantine built a new imperial residence at Byzantium and named in Constantinople. His legacy flourished in the rule of his sons. -
Battle of Milvian Bridge
Battle took place between the emperors Constantine and Maxentius. Constantine won the battle. Maxentius drown in the river. Constantine became the soul ruler of Rome. Maxentius's body was taken from the river and decapitated. His head was shown around the streets of Rome. -
Edict of Milan
It was a letter signed by the Roman Emperors Constantine and Licinius. This letter said that there would be religious toleration in the Roman Empire. This letter also stopped the persecution of Christians. Its also said that the Christians would have all of their property restored. This also gave the Christians legal rights. -
The Emperor Theodosius
Theodosius was the Roman emperor from 379-395 CE. He was the last Emperor to rule over both Eastern and Western halves of the Roman empire. He campaigned against Goths and other barbarians. He made Nicene Christianity the official state church of the Roman empire. He fought two destructive civil wars. He learned military lessons by campaigning with his father's staff in Britannia. He retired to Hispania.