
Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

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    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    Paul of Tarsus was a roman who wanted to crush Christianity until he had a vision on the road to Damascus. after this vision, he became blind and realized what he was doing wasn't right. He became a full-fledged Christian motivated person. He used to punish and taunt the Christians. He changed to work with them. He used to be called Saul until he had this vision.
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    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    Jesus of Nazareth was a very holy man. He made miracles happen in his life span. He died on a cross and became resurrected after 3 days. John the Baptist is Jesus of Nazareth's cousin. First-century Christian preacher.
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    Roman Rule of Israel (begins)

    Roman Rule of Israel (begins)
    After the Roman Empire conquered Syria in 64 BCE it only took them a year to conquer Jerusalem and Israel. By this time Rome had conquered most of the known world under General Pompey. This means by the time of Jesus's birth Israel had been under Roman rule for decades and Jesus was born under the Roman empire. Until the year 313 Israel was under Roman rule and Jews faced several struggles as Rome was polytheistic while they believed in only one God.
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    The Great Fire of Rome

    The Great Fire of Rome
    This great fire started at the Circus Maximus. This great fire ended on July 24 A.D. This fire destroyed two-thirds of Rome. An 800-year-old temple was burned down during this fire. This temple was the temple of Jupiter Stator.
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    Perpetua was a martyr that was decapitated for her Christian beliefs on March,7th,203 AD. She wasn't the only one executed the day. Her friends and herself were all lined up and decapitated. This Christian martyr wrote The Passions of the Saints.
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    The Great Prosecution of 303 CE

    The Great Prosecution of 303 CE
    In the year 303, the great prosecution began under Diocletian when he believed that Rome would be united when everyone believed in the gods. He started by destroying church buildings within Rome which had not been done before because of the Christians widespread meeting places. Christians were tortured, put to death and thrown in dungeons. This caused many to fall away. In 311 the last persecution of Christians came to an end 6 years after Diocletian stepped down from power.
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    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Battle of Milvian Bridge
    It was fought between the Roman emperors Constantine I and Maxentius. Constantine beat Maxentius in this war. Constantine makes Rome's official religion to become Christianity. Maxentius had more men the Constantine.
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    The Edict of Milan was issued on Feburary/313 AD. This edict made the persecutions of the Christians stop. Began the "Cristan empire. The Edict of Milan was made by Licinius and Constantine. The Edict of Milan gave back any of the Christians confiscated property.
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    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    Constantine the Great was the Emporer that fought at the battle of Milvain Bridge. During this battle, he put the cross of Christianity on his shield. This brilliant emporer was the one the converted to Christianity and made it so the Christians could now worship freely and they would receive everything that was confiscated from them. He did this with the Edict of Milan.
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    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    Emperor Theodosius was born on January,11,347 AD. He ruled the empire from 379 AD to 395 AD. He was the last Roman emperor to rule both the eastern and westerns sides of Rome. Theodosius died by swelling. Swelling is when a body part inside swells to unusual sizes.