Jesus of Nazareth
- people called him son of god and he was a special person to them
- angles told a shepherd that Christ will be born in town today
- he had people get a lot of hope in the community
- he was killed by the Romans
- help the Christians a lot start there faith
Paul of Tarsus
- was part of the first generation of Christians
- was the most important person after Jesus Christ
- he help spread the first words of Jesus and his religion that he is apart of
- he suggested that they build the temple of Jerusalem
- the Romans had to spare some of them and he was one
Great Fire of Rome
- The fire was started in Circus Maximums
- 14 of the districts were burned
- they blamed there emperor Nero for the fire
- they say Nero wanted to build a palace
- People say they don't blame Nero for doing the fire because they lived in poor houses
Roman Rule of Israel (begins)
- they divided the country into 5 different parts
- Hyrcanus was a weak on his own and could not administer the affairs of Judea nor collect its taxes
- people were being converted to Judaism
- had ruining water so they could drink
- and had fights every once in a while
1.was important to Christians today and back then
2. you could be arrested if you talked about Christianity or Judaism
3. gave good descriptions of her trial in her diary
4. she joined a small group and they did religious things there
5. and she had a ordeal in the arena -
Great Persecution of 303 CE
- there were 3000-3500 Christians killed during the persecution
- they put them on sticks and burnt them
- there was a festival for the god of boundaries
- it slowly spread the Christine religion around Rome
- they broke down a lot of the places were people worshiped there god
Battle of Milvian Bridge
- they saw a cross in the sky with angles around it before the fight
- they believe they won because they went under Christian
- they put Christians symbols on there shields
- after that they started be Christian
- they helped spread the word of Christianity
Constantine the Great
1.he was the first Christian
2. He ruled between 306 and 337 AD
3. He thought he won a fight because he saw angles in the sky
4. he made it so Christians would not be prosecuted and killed
5. made an edict -
Edict of Milan
- it was made so you could not hurt Christians anymore for what they believe
- let them have churches and let them believe what they want
- they let them spread and tell people about it
- some of the Romans converted and helped them
- they help them and stop hurting them and try and live and peace
- it was made so you could not hurt Christians anymore for what they believe
Emperor Theodosius
1.he changed the Christians history and were they were going with there lives
2. He was born in northwest Spain
3. he raised the taxes brutally and made them pay a ton of money
4. He excepted Christian baptism
5. had the empire divided for half a century with Christians