Period: 1 CE to 33
Jesus of Nazareth
Born in December 22, 0. First-century jew and prominent religious leader. Self-proclaimed messiah and son of God. Lead large scale rebellious movement over his lifetime. Crucified on a cross at 33 for treason against the state. Almost saved from death, but public voted over the governors decision. -
Paul of Tarsus
Born in Tarsus, Turkey. Commonly known as Saint Paul and Saul of Taurus. He was a Jewish and Roman citizen. Persecuted first disciples of Jesus before becoming devout follower of him after becoming blind, then regaining sight by Jesus. Taught the gospel throughout his life. -
Great Fire of Rome
Began in merchant shops around Rome's chariot stadium on July 18th 64. Brought under control six day later. Reignited 3 days later. Eventually burned down 2/3 of Rome. Only six verified deaths. -
Roman Rule of Israel
Roman forces led by Titus took Jerusalem and defeated the last Jewish outpost at Masada. Judea was ruled by a Roman who managed its political, military, and fiscal affairs. Its government structure was reorganized by Gabinius, who divided the country into five synhedroi. The intent was to destabilize the nation and make sure that resistance would be impossible. Julius Caesar restored some of the territories to Judea and appointed Hyrcanus II ethnarch. -
Christian martyr who wrote a journal recounting her trial. She then went to prison for being christian. Imprisonment documented by unknown source. Source described Perpetua being thrown to beasts, surviving, then ultimately being slain by sword. Ultimately died along with her slave. -
Great Persecution of 303 CE
Instigated by Diocletian in 303 and began is Nicomedia. Issued a series of edicts rescinding Christian legal rights. Also demanded they comply with traditional religious practices. Burned all captures christian books. After burning the books they burned all the Christians on op of them. -
Constantine the Great
Roman emperor that ruled between 306 and 337. Legalized and patronized Christianity. Came to power through series of civil wars. Created Constantinople, a capital filled with many churches and dedicated to the Christian god. Known as one of the best Roman emperors to ever rule. Earned rank of Augustus threw military leadership and victories. -
Battle of Milvian Bridge
Battle between the Roman Emperors Constantine I and Maxentius over the Mivilian bridge. Constantine won the battle and started on the path to end the Tetrarch. Maxentius drowned in the Tiber during battle. Arch of Constantine erected in his glory. Constantine documented to have supposed revelation before hand which leas in part to the victory. -
Edict of Milan
Letter signed by the Roman emperors Constantine and Licinius. Stated that Rome was to no longer prosecute Christians. Christians given back stolen property and removed all restrictions on Christian worship. One of the greatest achievements at the time for Christianity. Lead to the rise of the church and eventually the take over. -
Roman emperor who ruled from 379 to 395. Last emperor to rule over eastern and the western Rome. Made Nicene Christianity official roman church. Banned the pagan rituals of the olympics. Hailed as Saint in some Christianities.