57 BCE
Roman Rule of Israel Begins
The beginning of a relationship between the Romans and the Jews.
-A Roman Procurator was in charge of political, military, and fiscal affairs.
-The meaning of this was to reorganize.
-Cultures began to overlap.
-Hyrcanus was turned into king of Judea.
-The Romans and the Jews started to clash. -
1 CE
Jesus of Nazareth
The cause of Christianity.
-Born in Bethlehem
-His main message is acceptance of him and forgiveness.
-Flavius Josephs witnessed Christs existence.
-The 4 gospels tell of his 37 prophecies.
-The messiah prophesied in Hebrew scripture. -
Paul of Tarsus
Once wanted to destroy all Christians but became one of the churches greatest saints.
-He grew up in a Jewish family.
-When hearing about the work of god Paul began to persecute his followers and tell them they should give up on their religion.
-Paul's interaction with god caused him to converse to Christianity.
-Began to teach about god in different countries. -
Great Fire of Rome
The Great Fire of Rome was a significant event for Rome.
-Broke out along the shops surrounding the Circus Maximus.
- Fire lasted 6 days but then started up again lasting for another 3 and destroying 2 thirds of Rome.
-Destroyed beloved Monuments, including the 800 year old Temple of Jupitor Stator.
-Nero was blamed for starting the fire because people thought he wanted to take over the Roman Empire.
-Roman Christians predicted the fire due to prophecies they believed in. -
An inspiration to Christians due to her imprisonment.
-Remembered as a Christian martyr.
-Attended Carthage's church with her family.
-Imprisoned for not following the edict along with 4 other companions.
-She was popular for her influential diary.
-Wrote a diary about her imprisonment, her religion, her companions, her dreams. -
Constantine the Great
Constantine helped Christians.
-First Roman Emperor to profess Christianity.
-First emperor to practice Christianity.
-Put out an edict that protected Christians.
-Educated in Latin and Greek
-Constantine joined his father (who was the emperor before him), in a military campaign -
Great Persecution of 303 CE
A downfall for Christians but ended in success.
-Most severe prosecution of Christians.
-The beginning of Christianity's termination.
-Festival called Terminalia leading up to the persecution.
-Legal rights were taken away from Christians.
-Galerius became the new emperor and in 311 ce he stopped the persecutions and allowed believers to practice their beliefs and religion in safety. -
Battle of Milivian bridge
Event that led to faith.
-Everyone in his troops claimed to be emperor and fought for power.
-Maxentius attempted to invade the Milvian Bridge but failed.
-Event led to conversion to conversion to Christianity for Constantine.
-Event was popular for bringing people towards faith.
-Biggest achievement was Constantine becoming a Christian. -
Edict of Milan
This was freedom for Christians and gave them safety.
-Established security for Christians.
-The result of a political agreement between Roman emperors Constantine I and Licinius.
-Granted permission to practice any religion desired freely.
-This gave back Christians legal rights.
-This edict was highly effective. -
Emperor Theodosius
-Established the creed of the Council of Nicaea.
-Turned into the main of emperor of East and Western Rome.
-Theodosius was born and raised in Spain.
-He thought the military needed to be rebuilt in his eyes.
-Theodosius was emperor by the grace of god and handled conflict with faith.