64 BCE
the great fire of rome
in 64 ad rome burned for 6 day's. One the fire was settled over 65% of the city was burned. The christians during this time were living in a area unaffected by the fire. So people believed Nero when he blamed the fire on the chirstains. Though, some do say that nero did it himself. The reason why nero would do this is so he could get past the senate to build rome his way. -
64 BCE
The first persecution
Later after the fire, Nero organized the first persecution. Peter and pual were martyerd at that persecution. Martyed( Killing someone becuase of their religous beliefs) -
1 CE
jesus of nazarath
Jesus of nazarath is said to be the god but in human form. Jesus is the man who christains believe in. Jesus was born on christmas day.The story goes that then jesus was betrayed by a friend during his last fiest and then was crucified. -
pual of tarus
pual walked thousands of miles across the medteriain simply spreading word of jesus. Pual by doing this spread chirstinaity everywhere he went. Pual did alot for the growth of christaintiy. -
roman rule of isrial begins
roman emperos vespiasin an titus put the order to invade isrial. They destroyed seveal temples in jeraslum. Also they took over the place, this could have spread christainty even more. -
the great persicution
alot of christains were persecuted. Diocletian a emperor of rome also blamed that christains at that time which looked bad for them. The people burned and destroyed curches and assemblies were outlawed. The overall goal of the population was to unify the empire and make people believe in old gods -
the battle of milvian bridge
emperor constantine was ponderinig his strategies of war before battle in his tent. Then the story goes that he walked outside and he saw a cross with angels and the cross said he was going to win the battle. Then he won the battle. This meant alot to the rise of christainty in the roman empire. -
constantine the great
constantine was the emperor of rome. Before a battle he was completentaing how he was going to win the battle he was about to face. Afterwards, constantine went outside his tent and saw a cross, The cross was a cross with angels in the sky. The cross siad that he was going to win the battle. Then he won. Afterwards he had a dream that god told him to use the cross against his enemies. Constatine put the cross on his armies shield's. Later constantine passed the edict of milan. -
edict of milan
Passed by emperor constantine, It was a law that made it illegal to exacute someone becuase of thier religion.