Russo-Japanese War
The war happened because the Russian Empire and Japanese Empire fought over who should get parts of Manchuria (northern China). -
Duma is created
Czar Nicholas II agrees to form a legislative elected assembly (Duma). It’s purpose was to create reform in Russia. -
World War 1
Trench warfare fought within Europe, which began with Russia, England, France fighting against Germany, Austria, Italy. Fighting would eventually expand to include other countries outside Europe. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne
When the public opinion turns negative about the war and the Czar. Nicholas II was forced to resign. -
November (October) Revolution
Revolutionaries led by Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin launched a nearly bloodless coup d'état against the Duma's provisional government. -
Russian Civil War
The war was between Bolshevik “Red Army'' and Democratic/Imperial “White Army''. Bolshevik wins the Civil War and establishes Russia and neighborhoods areas as the Soviet Union. -
Stalin takes over as General Secretary of the Communist Party
Stalin managed to get in Lenin’s inner circle and was considered his right hand. When Lenin dies he says that Stalin is too harsh and says that Trotsky would be better. But Stalin threatens to leave. -
1st 5 year plan
Stalin had a 5 year plan, to basically change Russia and make it his own. He launches a program that would crash industrialization that was designed. Collectives or giant state-owned farms would’ve helped pay for his modernization plan. -
Stalin’s Great Purge
Stalin decided to kill anyone who could be a threat to him. The police would’ve arrested anyone who looked suspicious and then tried to make them admit to their crime. -
Stalin dies
Stalin, the second leader of the Soviet Union, died on March 5 1953. Russia had a funeral for him and they all mourned him. -
Leonid Brezhnev leads Soviet Union
He was the leader of the Soviet Union after Kruschev. Under his leadership the Soviet economy and quality of goods got worse. -
Gorbachev is named General Secretary of the Communist Party
The Politburo elected Gorbachev as General Secretary. While in service he faced problems, the economy of the USSR was falling behind. -
Perestroika was a political movement for reformation within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union during the 1980s. -
Glasnost was taken to mean increased openness and transparency in government institutions and activities in the Soviet Union. It reflected a commitment of the Gorbachev administration to allowing Soviet citizens to discuss publicly the problems of their system and potential solutions. -
End of the Soviet Union
Mikhail Gorbachev resigned his post as president of the Soviet Union. Leaving Boris Yeltsin as president of the newly independent Russian state.