753 BCE
Romulus and Remus
There is a legend about the founding of Rome. A princess had twin sons, fathered by the god Mars. She wasn't supposed to have children, so they were left on the Tibet River to die. A she-wolf found them and then cared for them. Soon, a shepherd found them and raised them. Romulus killed Remus and built a city called Rome. Rome was ruled by kings for the next 240 years. -
509 BCE
The Last King
The Romans overthrew their last king. There is story about the overthrow of the king. Three men were walking to see the oracle at Delphi. A Roman named Brutus was one of the men. They asked the oracle who would be the next king of Rome. The oracle answered with, "The next man to have authority in Rome will be the man that first kisses their mother." Brutus drops to the ground and kisses the ground, the mother of all living things. Later, Brutus leads the revolt that ended the rule of the king. -
Period: 494 BCE to 287 BCE
The Conflict of Orders
After the Romans overthrew the king, patricians, who were people with more wealth, took the power and ruled. Plebeians, who were people with less money, had no say in government. The plebeians thought this was unfair, so they rebelled against the patricians. This is called the Conflict of Orders. The plebeians fought for equal rights and after 200 years of struggle, finally got what they wanted. The plebeians could now serve along side the patricians in government. -
Period: 264 BCE to 146 BCE
The Punic Wars
Rome was very interested in expanding their territory, but the territory they wanted was ruled by Carthage, a powerful city-state. They fought three wars. These wars are known as the Punic Wars. At the end, Rome destroyed Carthage and took all their territory, becoming the most powerful city-state of the West Mediterranean. -
45 BCE
The New Ruler
Julius Caesar becomes the first Roman dictator. He defeats Pompey in a civil war and becomes the supreme ruler of Rome. This is the end of the Roman republic. -
Rome Burns
Much of Rome gets engulfed by flames. It is said the emperor Nero was standing on a tower nearby while playing his lyre (an instrument). -
The Colosseum
The Colosseum is built. One of the most symbolic and great examples of Roman engineering and architecture is finished. It can seat up to 50,000 spectators. -
At the peak
The Roman empire is at its peak. They controlled modern day Spain, Italy, France, southern Britain, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, and northern Africa. -
Rome Splits
An emperor named Diocletian decides that the Roman empire was too big, so he split Rome into an eastern part and a western part. Rome was then reunited again, split into three parts, and then split into two parts. -
Split for Good
The Roman empire is split for good now. The western side was ruled Rome, while the eastern side was ruled by Constantinople, named after Constantine. The western side is now called the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine Empire prevailed for another 1000 years. -
Rome Gets Attacked
Rome was attacked by a Germanic barbarian tribe called the Visigoths. They killed and enslaved many Romans, looted cities, and destroyed many buildings. -
Rome Falls
A Germanic barbarian by the name of Odoacer took control of Rome. He forced the last empire of Rome, Romulus Augustus, to give up his crown. There are also many other theories about why Rome fell. It could be because the leaders became corrupt. Also, some people believe that civil wars and fighting inside the empire could've caused the fall. Lastly, it could also be because the Roman Empire was so huge that it was too difficult to govern.