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Rise and Fall of Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Napolean Is born

    Napolean Is born
    Born in Alaccio, Corsica, France
    He was the fourth child born to his parents, but the second to live
  • Storming of Bastile

    Storming of Bastile
    Signaled the begging of the French Revolution
    A crowd gathered around the Bastile with muskets, swords, and various makeshift weapons.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Toulon

    City of Marselle had risen against the convention.
    Napolean was recommened for the rank of major.
    Napolean and crew put themselves in front of Malbosquet, gained entrance, got the cannons and turned against the enemy vessels.
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    Egyptian Campaign

    Bonaparte captured Alexandria.
    Bonaparte's army came into sight of the pyramids.
    10,000 mamelukes drawn up on horsebacks across the sands.
  • 18 Brumaire Coup

    18 Brumaire Coup
    Napolean became First Consul of France.
    Ended the French Revolution.
  • First Consul for life

    First Consul for life
    France's government became more efficent and abolished.
    He created a meritocracy.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    Most countries of the contiental Europe and Latin America got influenced on the 19th centry civil codes.
    The code sated that all men are equal and class privelages are ebolished.
  • Period: to

    Penninsular War

    Fought in Iberian pennisula
    Napolean made his brother king of Spain to insure his rule.
    After the war, there was no decise victory, buy Napolean would leave his armies in Spain for 5 years.
  • Battle of Trafalar

    Battle of Trafalar
    The royal navy against the french and spanish Navies.
    27 british ships defeated 33 french and spanish ships
    Admiral Lord Nelson from the british was shot by a french musketeer during the battle and died shortly.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    Regarded as Napolean's greatest victory.
    France vs Russia and Holy Roman empires
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    Contiental System

    Hurt english industries.
    England responded with the Orders in the concil.
    Damaged regions overseas
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    Invassion Of Russia

    Napolean's army(Grande Armee) tried to defeat the Russian army.
    Grande Armee had 680,000 soldiers.
    The French allied army wa destructed.
  • Retreat From Moscow

    Retreat From Moscow
    He had his army match into Moscow because they burned 3/4 of the city.
    Napolean had 60,000 men go into Russia and only 30,000 came out.
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    Battle of Leipzig

    Russia, Prusia, Austria and Sweden defeated the French army.
    The French army had Italian, Polish, And German troops.
    Napolean was exiled to Elba.
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    Exile to Elba

    Napolean offered to step down for his son.
    His offer was rejected and he was exile to Elba.
    He escaped and went back to Paris.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    French army defeated by two of the armies of seventh coalition.
    Decisive Coalition victory
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    Exile to St. Helena

    Channel cleared.
    Napolean is somwhere with no furniture and little space.
    Napolean has limited amounts of food servived from a distance.
  • Napolean died

    Napolean died
    Most likely died from stomach cancear,
    He died in the Exile.