Rise And Fall Of Hosni Mubarak

  • Birth

    Mubarak was born in a village in Egypt's Nile Delta
  • Anware Sadat Gets assasinated

    Anware Sadat Gets assasinated
    Anwar Sadat is assasinated by the Muslim Brotherhood at the military fair.
  • Mubarak Takes Power

    Mubarak Takes Power
    Thrust into office when Islamists gun down President Anwar Sadat at a military parade. He is approved as president in a referendum in November and re-elected in October 1987 and October 1993.
  • Mubarak is attacked

    Mubarak is attacked
    Gunmen attack his car as he arrives at an African summit in Addis Ababa. He is unhurt.
  • Elected again

    Elected again
    Sworn in as president for his fourth term and names Atef Obeid as prime minister after the government led by Kamal Ganzouri resigns.
  • Egyptians protest fifth term

    Egyptians protest fifth term
    Street protests by the Kefaya (Enough) Movement draw hundreds across Egypt to oppose a fifth term for Mr Mubarak or any attempt to install his son Gamal in his place.
  • Parlament allows a chance of rivalry

    Parlament allows a chance of rivalry
    Parliament votes to change the constitution to allow contested presidential elections.
  • Mubarak wins 5th election

    Mubarak wins 5th election
    Mubarak is sworn in for a fifth consecutive term after winning the first contested presidential election on Sept 7. Rival Ayman Nour is the only member of parliament to remain seated during the ceremony, apparently to show his refusal to accept the official vote count.
  • Mubarak gets surgery

    Mubarak gets surgery
    Mubarak gets gullbladder surgery and spents 3 weeks recovering before takeing back his responsibilities.
  • The Day Of Rage

    The Day Of Rage
    Street protests begin after an online campaign calling for an end to Mr Mubarak's rule.
  • Mubarak steps down

    Mubarak steps down
    Hosni Mubarak steps down after almost 30 years of rule and 5 terms. He decided to step down after 18 days of protests which killed nearly 300 people.