Screenshot 2017 03 20 at 9.57.57 am

Riley timeline

  • 40,000 BCE

    First Aboriginals

    First Aboriginals
    First Aboriginals arrived in Australia
  • Captain James Cook discovered Australia

    Captain James Cook discovered Australia
    Captain James Cook discovered Australia. He sailed from England and came across Australia.
  • The First Fleet

    The First Fleet
    Captain Arthur Phillip sailed to Australia with 11 boats (The First Fleet) and over 800 convicts
  • A Colony Found Perth

    A Colony Found Perth
    A colony found perth western australia
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    Gold is found in several locations over Australia
  • Australia Play England In The First Test Match

    Australia Play England In The First Test Match
    Australia and england play the first test match in Melbourne Australia
  • WWl

    world war 1 was a very big war
  • WWll

    WWll was a big war like world war 1
  • Melbourne Olympics

    Melbourne Olympics
    the melbourne olympics were sports and running races and in different states over the world and happens every 4 years
  • Sydney Olympics

    Sydney Olympics
    Sydney olympics was a big sports event that happens every 4 years in different places
  • A Star Was Born

    A Star Was Born
    A star was born and his name was Riley the best kid in the world and that Riley is me