
Rigoberta Menchú

  • Rigoberta Menchú was born in Guatemala

    Rigoberta Menchú was born in Guatemala
    Rigoberta Menchú was born in El Quiché , (Guatemala). Her´s parent´s name are Vicente Menchú Pérez y Juana Tum Kótoja.
  • Period: to

    The life of Rigoberta Menchú

  • It started working

    At the age of five it began to be employed at an estate of coffee, in conditions so terrible that were the reason of the death of brothers and his friends, as well as of the repression of the one that was a victim his community on the part of landowners and members of the army of Guatemala.
  • She founded several organizations

    She founded several organizations
    In 1979, he was a member founder of the CUC (Committee of Rural Unit) and of the RUOG (Unitary Representation of the Guatemalan Opposition), of which it formed a part of his direction until 1992.
  • Her´s father die

    Was his father Vicente one of 37 persons Between that was counting himself the Spanish consul Jaime Ruiz del Árbol That the State police of Guatemala burned live with white phosphorus in the Massacre of the Spanish embassy in the city of Guatemala.
  • It went out of her´s country

    In 1981 Rigoberta Menchú she went into exile in Mexico due to the violence.
  • She collaborated with united nations

    In 1991, it took part in the preparation of the declaration of the rights of the indigenous peoples on the part of the United Nations.
  • She won the Prize Nobel

    She won the Prize Nobel
    The Nobel Prize was granted him in recognition of his fight by the social justice and etno-cultural reconciliation based on the respect to the rights of the aborigens, coinciding with the fifth centenary of the arrival of Colon to America, and with the declaration of 1992 as International Year of the Indian Peoples. With the financial resources that it received of this award there established the foundation Rigoberta Menchú Tum, with headquarters in Guatemala and offices in Mexico and New York
  • Prize Prince of Asturias of International Cooperation

    Prize Prince of Asturias of International Cooperation
    In 1998, there was rewarded by the Prize Prince of Asturias of International Cooperation
  • Autobiography

    In 1999, the anthropologist David Stoll, expert in Guatemala, published a book so called I, Rigoberta Menchú and the story of all poor guatemalans (' I, Rigoberta Menchú, and the history of all the Guatemalan poor '), where it was holding that a part of Menchú's biography is false or is distorted.
  • Pharmacist

    In 2003, it interfered with the pharmaceutical Mexican industry as chairwoman of the company " Health for All " (Guatemalan subsidiary of the " Similar Drugstores ", called now " Drugstores of the Doctor Simi "), with the purpose of providing generic medicines to low prices.
  • It took part as ambassador

    In 2006, it took part as ambassador of good will of the UNESCO
  • results of the first electoral return

    In the results of the first electoral return, in September, 2007, his party, Meeting for Guatemala obtained in the benches for candidates for President and Vice-president 3.09 % of the votes. This result placed to his candidacy in the seventh place. After this electoral event, the political agreement between WINAQ and Meeting for Guatemala dissolved, following every project individual agendas.
  • Candidacy to the presidency

    Candidacy to the presidency
    Rigoberta Menchú announced his candidacy to the presidency of Guatemala with the political party Find for Guatemala, of leftist ideology, in the general choices of September 9, 2007.
  • Candidacy to the presidency

    Candidacy to the presidency
    On May 7, 2011, the alliance partial Wide Front Guatemala integrated by the indigenous party WINAQ, the Revolutionary National Guatemalan Unit (URNG), Alternative New Nation (ANN), and the committee pre-formation of the party Movement New Republic (MNR) proclaimed Rigoberta since candidata presidential for the choices of September 11, 2011 in Guatemala.9 It stayed in the sixth position with 3,27 % of the valid issued votes.