rights of women,migents and indigenous

  • the whites were alloweed to shoot

    the whites were alloweed to shoot
    The whites were alowed to shoot aboriganal if they were on there property.
  • first women's roit

    first womens riot for working and voting rights
  • first registered

    first registered
    first egistered Austraian female doctor constance stone.
  • Aboriganls were not citizens.

    The aborigantas wee not classed as ciizens.
  • the women were given right to vote

    the women were given right to vote
    the women were giving right to vote
  • allow women to both vote

    allow women to both vote
    allow women to both vote and stand in the 1903 federal election
  • suffragetters formed

    suffagetters fighting to get women to vote
  • marternity allowance act

    marternity allowance act
  • world war I

    they stepped in for the work that the men had to do. women competed som jobs in the workforce.
  • south australia

    south Austrialia and NSW appoint the first female police officers.
  • world war I

    war finished
  • first female in politics

    first females in mimimu wage for women work set at 54% of the male rate.
  • first women elected

    first women elected to australian parliment Edith cowan.
  • first funraising CWA

    (founding of the contry women's association):today there are more then 25,000n women involved n the CWA first female fundrrasing
  • first female speaker

    The first female speker for NSW delivered her first speech two weeks after the opening of the parliament.
  • world war II

    Females i in work force to replace the mens.
  • first women elected

    first women elected to federal pariament enid loyns
  • aborigains had the same rights

    The aborgians had the same rights as white Australians and they could live and where in Australia.
  • aborgantas were aollwed to vote.

    The aborigans voted if they were enrolled in state elections.
  • aborigans can vote

    The aborigans now can vote in all elections.
  • aborginal were allowed to vote

    all aboriginal women (men) were finally able to vote.
  • Aboriganals were known as a citizer not under the flora and furna

    Aboriganals were known as a citizer not under the flora and furna act to remaber the abongians and their palement.
  • Uluru handed to aborigans

    The Aborigans started there dances and cerommys Uluru was handed back to abonigans.
  • first aboriginal women to a gold medal

    First aboriginal women to win a gold medal at the commonweth games ( Cathy Freeman).
  • equal opporttunity for women

    equal opportuinty for women in the work place act.
  • First female pirme minster

    first female Deputy prime minster Julia Gillard.
  • First female governor General of Australia

    First female governor General of Australia.
  • Kevin Rudd's sorry speech

    Kevin Rudd's "sorry" speech Kevin Rudds said sorry to the stolen generation.
    The aboriganals appepted his appoliegy.
  • Female Prime Minister

    first prime minster Julia gillard.
  • First Aboriginal woman to have a seat in federal parliament

    Olympic Hockey Gold medallist, Nova Peris was the first Aboriginal woman to be elected to a seat in Federal parliament.