Rights Of Women,Indiegenous and Migrants People

  • Captain Cook Enters Botany Bay (Indigenous)

    Captain Cook Enters Botany Bay (Indigenous)
    Captain Cook And His Crew Bay At The Newly Discovered Country Australia And Claim It As Theirs This Affected The Indigenous People
  • Period: to

    Indigenous Rights

    Heres The Rights Of Indigenous
  • The First Fleet Arrives (Indigenous)

    The First Fleet Arrives (Indigenous)
  • 1890 First Female Doctor (Womens)

    1890 First Female Doctor (Womens)
    This Affected The Work Place
  • Period: to

    Womens Rights

  • 1901 Federation (Immigrant)

    1901 Federation (Immigrant)
    This Is When Australia Came Together As A Country
  • Federation 1901 (Indigenous)

    Federation 1901 (Indigenous)
  • Period: to

    Immigration Rights

    Heres The Start Of The Immigration Rights
  • 1902 Women Allowed To Vote (Women)

    1902 Women Allowed To Vote (Women)
    This Was Big Change When Women Voted
  • 1903 All Residents Naturalised (Immigrant)

    1903 All Residents Naturalised (Immigrant)
    This Was A Commenwelth Act
  • 1903 First Female Parliamentry Candidates (Women)

    1903 First Female Parliamentry Candidates (Women)
  • 1905 Over 390000 Residents Arrive (Immigrant)

    1905 Over 390000 Residents Arrive (Immigrant)
    This Was A Big Population Increase For Australia
  • 1912 Maternity Allowance Act (Women)

    1912 Maternity Allowance Act (Women)
  • 1914-1918 WW1 (Immigrant)

    1914-1918 WW1 (Immigrant)
    65 Thousand Australia Man Died Due To Service
  • 1914-1918 Women In WW1 (Women)

    1914-1918 Women In WW1 (Women)
    Not Allowed To The Position Of The Men The Would Work With Food Mines And More.
  • 1915 First Female Police Officer

    1915 First Female Police Officer
  • 1919-1929 300 Thousand People Arrive (Immigrant)

    1919-1929 300 Thousand People Arrive (Immigrant)
    Pretty Much All Of Theese Immigrants Arrive From Britan
  • Minimum Wage For Women Set 54% (Women)

    Minimum Wage For Women Set 54% (Women)
  • Empire Settlement Scheme (Immigrant)

    Empire Settlement Scheme (Immigrant)
    This Act established immigration schemes between the British and Australian Governments to assist ‘suitable persons’ to immigrate to Australia.
  • 1921 First Women Elected To Australian Parliment (Women)

    1921 First Women Elected To Australian Parliment (Women)
  • 1929-1937 The Great Depression

    1929-1937 The Great Depression
    For many people this period began before the market crash in prices and lasted until the Second World War
  • WW2 1939-1945 (Immigrant)

    WW2 1939-1945 (Immigrant)
    After/During This War Over 15 Thousand Of Australians Immigrants Including Australians Left The Country
  • 1942 Widows Petions Are Introduced (Women)

    1942 Widows Petions Are Introduced (Women)
  • First Women Elected To Federal Parliment (Women)

    First Women Elected To Federal Parliment (Women)
  • 1945-1965 Post War Resettlement (Immigrant)

  • Alien Act 1947 (Immigrant)

  • Nationality and Citizenship Act (Immigrant)

    Nationality and Citizenship Act (Immigrant)
  • The Commenwealth Citizenship Act (Indigenous)

  • Schemes Agreed With Netherland And Italy

    This Is When Immigrants From Netherlands And Italy Were Allowed To Enter The Country
  • Japaneese Wives Of Australian Servicemen Allowed In (Immigrant)

    Displaced Persons Scheme Terminated
  • Usa,Swizterland,Denmark,Norway,Sweden,Finland (Immigrant)

  • 1 Millionth Post War Immigrant Arrives (Immigrants)

  • Operation Reunion

  • 1957 Bring Out Of Britan (Immigrant)

    This Is When Australians Were Allowed To Adopt Britan Family (Children)
  • Revised Migration Act 1958

    Abolished Dication Test
  • 1959 Nest Egg (Immigrant)

    The Nest Egg Is Like The Britian Bring Out But France And Other Countries
  • Population Passes 14 Million (Immigrant)

  • More Than 90 Percent Of Australians Vote Yes (Indigenous)

  • Womens Rights Book (Women)

    This Book Became A Best Selling
  • 1973 Migration Act No Discriminatory (Immigrant)

  • Racial Discrimination Act Is Passed (Immigrant)

    This Was A BIG Change
  • Employers Sposored Immigrants (Immigrant)

    This Means That Immigrants Would be Able To Get A Job
  • Family Relations Sponsor Immigrants (Immigrant)

  • 1981 First Women To Head A Goverment Department (Women)

  • Uluru Is Handed Back To Traditional Owners (Indigenous)

  • Indigenous Women Hold Their First Meeting (Indigenous)

  • 1999 Equal Opportunity For Women Same Pay Eg (Women)

  • First Female Deputy Prime Minister

  • 2008 First Female Governor General

  • Kevin Rudd Apoligizes To Past Generations (Indigenous)