Rights of Women in Europe

  • The London Society for Women’s Suffrage is formed

  • Married Women’s Property Act

    The Married Women’s Property Act allows married women to own their own property. Previously, when women married, their property
    transferred to their husbands. Divorce heavily favoured men, allowing property to remain in their possession. This act allows women to keep their property, married, divorced, single or widowed.
  • The Cooperative Women’s Guild is founded

    The Cooperative Women’s Guild is founded by Alice Acland and Mary Lawrenson. Its aim was to spread the knowledge of the benefits of cooperation and improve the conditions of women with the slogan "cooperation in poor neighbourhoods".
  • Clementina Black secures first equal pay resolution at Trade Union

  • 14,000 Women at Bryant & May go on strike in protest of poor/unfair wages

  • Woman Suffrage Granted - Finland

  • Qualification of Woman act enacted

    Under the Qualification of Women Act, women can be elected onto
    borough and county councils and can also be elected mayor.
  • Woman Suffrage Granted- Norway

  • Woman Suffrage Granted - Iceland

  • Women's Suffrage Granted- USSR

  • Women's Suffrage Granted- Holland

  • Women over 30 allowed to vote in Britan

  • The Parliamentary Qualification of Women Act is passed, enabling women to stand as MP.

  • Constance Markiewicz is the first women elected into Westminister, representing Sinn Fenn

  • Women's Suffrage Granted - Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Sweden

  • Women's Suffrage Granted - Germany and Luxembourg

  • The Sex Discrimination Removal Act allows women access to the legal profession and accountancy.

  • The Law of Property Act allows both husband and wife to inherit property equally.

  • All Women gain equal voting rights as men

  • Women's Suffrage Granted - Spain

  • Women's Suffrage Granted - France

  • Women's Suffrage Granted - Belgium, Italy, Romania, and Yugoslavia

  • Sexual Offences Act created prohibiting Rape (UK)

    The Sexual Offences Act defines rape under specific criteria, such as
    incest, sex with a girl under 16, no consent, use of drugs, anal sex and impersonation
  • Abortion Act

    Labour MP David Steel sponsors an Abortion Law Reform Bill, which
    becomes the Abortion Act. The Act decriminalises abortion in Britain on certain grounds.
  • Equal Pay Act makes it illegal to pay women lower rates for the same work

  • Womans Suffrage Granted - Switzerland

  • Sex Discrimination Act

    The Sex Discrimination Act makes it illegal to discriminate against
    women in work, education and training. This is another act pushed
    through by the women’s movement
  • Women's Suffrage Granted - Lichtenstein