First Sino-Japanese War
China gets demolished by Japan in war over Korea, winds up proving that 1) the Japanese have mastered western technology, and 2), there is a new market in China for western goods. -
Period: to
Imperialism in China During the Turn of the Century
American trade with China booms
During the time period of 1895-1900, American exports to China quadrupled in quantity. -
China allows Russia to lease land in an unprecedented decision
Russia demands China to allow them to lease Manchuria, territory recently returned from Japan to China, sets precedent for other foreign countries to lease land in China. These imperial powers create spheres of influence in China. -
The United States steps into China
America became a significant economic power in Asia, setting up naval bases throughout the continent. -
Imperial powers collaborate in China
The US secretary of state, John Hay, sends notices to other imperial powers in China with leases to request trade between the powers in China, and to not discriminate against other powers. All countries contacted agree. -
The Righteous Society of Harmonious Fists rise
Anti-Imperial sentiment rings throughout China, many secret societies form to combat European imperialism, peacefully or not. The most remarkable event to come from this movement was the Boxer Rebellion, in which the Righteous Society of Harmonious Fists seized embassies, took prisoners, and killed foreigners during their campaign. The rebellion was quickly quelled after the movement was found responsible for the death of a German ambassador.