Riddle Of The Rivers

  • First Successful Crossing of the Blue mountains

    First Successful Crossing of the Blue mountains
    Gregory Blaxland, William Lawson and William Charles Wenworth set out on an expedition to cross the Blue Mountains and they were successful.Thus being the frst Europeans to cross the Blue Mountains.
  • First Crossing of The Great Dividing Range

    First Crossing of The Great Dividing Range
    George Evans reached the point of the first crossing and went further a 68km. He also discovered a river which he named the Lachlan river (named after Governer Lachlan Macquarie). He also became the first European to cross the Great Dividing Range.
  • Hume and Hovell

    Hume and Hovell
    Hamilton Hume 1797-1877 born in Australia
    William Hovell 1786-1875 born in England
    They left for an expedition on 18 September 1824. They went past where Evans got to and Discovered a river which they called Hume but it was later renamed the Murray River. They saw a anowy peak which they called Mt Buffalo
  • Charles Sturt expedition 1 and 2

    Charles Sturt expedition 1 and 2
    Charles Sturt 1792 - 1869 born in India
    Charles Sturt had 4 journeys. The first began November 1831 where he went with Hamilton Hume. They discovered all Western flowing lead into the Murray River. They also reached a lake near the end of the river called Lake Alexandrina. Unfortunately the mouth was like a maze and was hard to navigate so they turned back. Not too much happened on expedition 2. Then Sturt took a break from exploring.
  • Charles Sturt Expedition 3

    Charles Sturt Expedition 3
    In expedition 3 he tried to reach the centre of australia by going through deserts and mountains. Unfortunatley he got scurvy in extreme conditions so he had to turn back