Richman_ U3A1 The Road to Revolution

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    Citation for Proclamation LIne

    Paterson, Daniel. Cantonment of His Majesty's forces in N. America according to the disposition now made & to be compleated as soon as practicable taken from the general distribution dated at New York 29th. March. [1767] Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>
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    Citation for Stamp act

    Chodowiecki, Daniel, Artist, and Daniel Chodowiecki. Die Americaner wiedersetzen sich der Stempel-Acte, und verbrennen das aus England nach America gesandte Stempel-Papier zu Boston, im August/ D. Chodowiecki del. et sculp. [Germany: s.n] Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.
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    Citation For Boston Massacre

    Revere, Paul, Engraver. The bloody massacre perpetrated in King Street Boston on March 5th by a party of the 29th Regt. Boston: Engrav'd Printed & Sold by Paul Revere. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.
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    Citation For Boston Tea Party

    Revere, Paul, and Paul Revere. "A view of part of the town of Boston in New-England and Brittish [sic] ships of war landing their troops! 1768." Map. Chicago, Ill: Alfred L. Sewell, [1870]. Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center, (accessed October 14, 2022).
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    Citation for First Continental Congress

    Revere, Paul, and Paul Revere. "A view of part of the town of Boston in New-England and Brittish [sic] ships of war landing their troops! 1768." Map. Chicago, Ill: Alfred L. Sewell, [1870]. Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center, (accessed October 14, 2022).
  • Proclamation Line

    Proclamation Line
    It was a boundary line running along the Appalachian Mountains. It restricted westward movement and expansion.Britain put it in place with the purpose of preventing any more conflict. It was a boundary line running along the Appalachian Mountains. It restricted westward movement and expansion. Britain put it in place with the purpose of preventing any more conflict.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    It was a tax on almost any kind of printed paper.Anyone who purchased anything on printed paper had to buy a revenue stamp. Parliament enacted this along with the Quartering act as a show of their power over the colonies.It was directly controlling the colonies. Parliament believed that the colonies were to be dependent on the empire, not equal.This brought the colonies together to fight something.This is when the term “No taxation without representation” came into play.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Parliament sent British soldiers to boston to deal with any potential threats. The people decided to throw things at the British soldiers.This provoked the soldiers who then fired into the crowd and killed 5 people. This event was a pivotal turning point. The sons of Liberty used it to push propaganda.They used public media to sway opinions saying that it was a planned murder and the British were trying to oppress them.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The British government had just put in place the Tea Acts to give the British East India Company a monopoly on tea sales. The Sons of Liberty had enough and on Dec 16 1773 disguised themselves as Mohwak Indians. They dumped tea from a cargo ship into the ocean. Colonists were getting fed up with the taxes they were getting and the Tea Act was the last straw. This was their way of showing disapproval towards the Britain.They felt taxing them without representation was unconstitutional.
  • First Contenintal Congress adopts Declaration and Resolves

    First Contenintal Congress adopts Declaration and Resolves
    The Colonists got 12 out of the 13 colonies to represent in this new Congress. They created the Declaration and Resolved that demanded a repeal of all acts since 1773. It was a direct challenge to the British Empire. It was a kind of makeshift government coming up with ways to respond to the acts. They created colonial wide boycotts and enforced them with the Continental Association. It was one of the first steps to separating themselves with Britain.