Richard Stallman

  • Birth of Richard Stallman

  • Enrolled in Harvard

    Enrolled in Harvard
  • Hired at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab

    Hired at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab
    Became a programmer at the MIT Artificial Intelligence
    A Serious Bio
    MIT AI Lab
  • Graduated Harvard

    Graduated Harvard
    Recieved a Bachelor's Degree in physics, Magna Cum Laude.
  • Graduate School

    Graduate School
    Enrolled at MIT to pursue a doctorate in physics, but after a year, decided to focus on programming in the Artificial Intelligence Lab.
    A Serious Bio
  • Period: to

    At the MIT AI Lab

    Worked on software projects such as TECO and Emacs for the ITS (Incompatible Timesharing System. He also worked on the Lisp machine operating system.
    Developed the first extensible text editor Emacs
    A Serious Bio
    Developed the AI technique of dependency-directed backtracking, also known as truth maintenance.
    A Serious Bio
  • Password Control

    Password Control
    When MIT's Lab for Computer Science installed a password control system. RMS developed a way to decrypt the passwords and provided the decrypted passwords with instructions on how to achieve anonymous access to the systems.Wikipedia
  • Hacking a printer

    Hacking a printer
    Manufactures stopped distributing source code for their products. Up until this time source code was provided with the product. Hackers could modify the source code to make the machines do the things they wanted them to do. Hackers loved the idea of fixing and/or improving the products and everyone benefited. Wikipedia
  • Period: to

    The GNU Project

    Announced the GNU Project on several ARPANET and USENET mailing lists.
    Initial Announcement
    Free Software Foundation
  • The GNU Manifesto

    The GNU Manifesto
    Published the GNU Manifesto in 1985. Part of the text was taken from the initial announcement in 1983 and refined before publishing.
  • The Free Software Foundation

    The Free Software Foundation
    Created the Free Software Foundation a few months after publishing the GNU Manifesto.Staff and Board
  • League for Programming Freedom

    League for Programming Freedom
    Stallman co-founded the League for Programming Freedom as a response to "Apple's look and feel lawsuit against Microsoft over a broad class of graphical user interfaces."
    One more step
  • Grace Murray Hopper Award

    Grace Murray Hopper Award
    Recieved the Grace Murray Hopper Award from the Association for Computing Machinery. Wikipedia
  • Encyclopedia

    Called for the development of a free online encyclopedia called GNUPedia. WikipediaHis idea inspired the creation of Wikipedia, which was more popular.