
Richard Stallman

  • Birth

    Richard Stallman was born
  • MIT

    Richard Stallman became a programmer at the AI Laboratory of MIT
  • Harvard Graduation

    Harvard Graduation
    Richard Stallman graduated from Harvard with a bachelor of arts degree in physics
  • GNU

    Richard Stallman announced the plan for the GNU operating system on several ARPAnet mailing lists and USENET
  • Quit Job at MIT

    Quit Job at MIT
    Richard Stallman quit his job at MIT to work full-time on the GNU project
  • GNU Manifesto

    GNU Manifesto
    Stallman published the GNU Manifesto
  • Copyleft

    Stallman invented and popularized the concept of copyleft, a legal mechanism to protect the modification and redistribution rights for free software, which was first implemented in the GNU Emacs General Public License
  • GPL

    The first program-independent GNU General Public License was released
  • GNU Hurd

    GNU Hurd
    Members of the GNU project began a kernel called GNU Hurd
  • Wins MacArthur Foundation Fellowship

    Wins MacArthur Foundation Fellowship
    Richard Stallman won the MacArthur Foundation Fellowship Award
  • Linux kernel

    Linux kernel
    Linus Torvalds used the GNU development tools to produce the Linux kernel
  • Emacs Fork

    Emacs Fork
    Developers at Lucid Inc. working on Emacs clashed with Stallman and forked the software, which later became XEmacs
  • Wikipedia

    Richard Stallman called for development of a free on-line encyclopedia through inviting the public to contribute articles which inspired the creation of Wikipedia
  • Universidad Tecnológica Nacional

    Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
    Richard Stallman receives honorary professorship from the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional in Mendoza, Argentina
  • Resignation

    Richard Stallman resigns from his position at MIT and resigns as president of the Free Software Foundation over comments he made concerning Jeffrey Epstein’s victims