Richard Stallman

  • Starts work at MIT

    Starts work at MIT
  • Begins work on GNU liscence

    Begins work on GNU liscence
  • starts the Free Software Foundation

    starts the Free Software Foundation
  • Honorary life time membership in the Chalmers Computer Society

  • MacArthur Foundation Fellowship Reward

    MacArthur Foundation Fellowship Reward
  • The Association for Computing Machinery's Grace Murray Hopper Award "For pioneering work in the development of the extensible editor EMACS (Editing Macros)."

  • Doctorate honoris causa from Sweden's Royal Institute of Technology

    Doctorate honoris causa from Sweden's Royal Institute of Technology
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation's Pioneer award

     Electronic Frontier Foundation's Pioneer award
  • The Takeda Techno-Entrepreneurship Award for Social/Economic Well-Being

    The Takeda Techno-Entrepreneurship Award for Social/Economic Well-Being
  • United States National Academy of Engineering membership

  • Doctorate honoris causa from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel

  • Honorary professorship from the Universidad Tecnológica del Perú

    Honorary professorship from the Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
  • Fondazione Pistoletto prize

  • Releases version 3 of GNU

    Releases version 3 of GNU
  • Doctor of Science honoris causa from Lakehead University in Canada

  • Inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame

    Inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame