Richard Nixon & Watergate

  • Watergate Scandal

    Evidence emerges that the break-in was related to Nixon re-election.
  • Evidence

    Evidence was discovered that Nixon was involved in covering up the Watergate break-in.
  • Senate

    Senate starts learning about the scandal that are broadcasted on televsion.
  • Tapes are Revealed

    A former Nixon secretary tells the Senate that Nixon has taped all conversations in his office since 1971.
  • Refuses To Give Up Tapes

    Nixon refuses to give up tapes from his office.
  • Saturday Night Massacre

    Mass firing of officials in the white house begins
  • Tapes Are Turned Over

    Supreme Court rules Nixon must turn over the tape
  • Impeachment Begins

    First articles of impeachment are passed.
  • Nixon Resigns

    Nixon realizes he'll be removed from office and resigns.