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Richard Matthew Stallman - Life Accomplishments

  • College - Harvard University

    College - Harvard University
    Attended Harvard University and excelled in his studies. Performed strongly in Algebra related classes. Image from:
  • Programming

    Became a programmer and a regular hacker, known as RMS. Programmed at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
  • Graduated College

    Graduated College
    Graduated from Harvard University with a bachelor's degree in physics. Image from:
  • Graduate Studies

    Graduate Studies
    Attended graduate school at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Image from:
  • Dropped Out

    Dropped out of graduate school to focus his efforts on the MIT AI Laboratory.
  • Working with Gerry Susan

    Worked as a research assistant to Her Sussman. Together, the two introduced what has long been considered the most powerful form of intelligent backtracking for use with AI information systems.
  • AI Laboratory - MIT

    AI Laboratory - MIT
    As a hacker, he was a part of many software projects including TECO, ITS, Emacs, and the operating system for the Lisp machine. These developments continued over the next few years. He also advocated for accessibility to labs instead of password use. Image of the MIT AI Lab - 1981 Image and information from:
  • Copyright

    The U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 caused many hackers to break apart and manufacturers stopped sharing source code as a way to keep it out of the hands of competitors. After Stallman and other hackers were refused access to code that they were seeking, Stallman reached a turning point. Image from:
  • GNU

    Stallman announced his plans for the GNU operating system that would be compatible with Unix. https://www.gnu.org/home.en.html Image from:
  • GNU Manifesto

    Stallman published the GNU Manifesto; this was an outline for the reasoning behind developing a free operating system (GNU) that would be Unix compatible.
  • Free Software Foundation

    Free Software Foundation
    Founded the Free Software Foundation. The foundation employed free software programmers and provided a legal backing for the free software movement. https://www.fsf.org Image from:
  • Copyleft

    This concept of copyleft was popularized by Stallman. It provided a legal guidelines that protected modifications and the redistribution rights of free software, for which Stallman was a strong advocate. https://conversations.e-flux.com/t/every-non-free-program-is-an-injustice-richard-stallman-on-the-free-software-movement/8474 Image from:
  • Carnegie Mellon's Mach Microkernel

    GNU project members utilized Carnegie Mellon's Mach microkernel as a means to fill in the software gap in GNU, the kernel.
  • Monolithic Linux Kernel

    Monolithic Linux Kernel
    Linus Torvalds utilized the development tools of GNU in order to create the monolithic Linux kernel. Image from:
  • Consultation

    From 2006 to 2007, Stallman was a public consultant in the drafting of version 3 of the General Public License (GNU) https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
  • Activism 1980s - Present

    Over the years, Stallman has been an activist for the free software movement. He speaks out against policies and business practices that discourage or hinder the free software. He also opposes modern surveillance tactics and advocates for the further inclusion of STEM education in schools. https://youtu.be/Gnw_K5DPkbc