Richard M Stallman

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    Richard Stallman starts working at MIT and being to work and focus on 2 projects. wikipedia
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    When Stallman was a freshman at Harvard, he started working at the AI Laboratory at MIT. He wrote the Emacs text editor in the C Computer programming language alongside James Gosling. Tcler's Wiki
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    Richard Stallman graduated from Harvard with a bachelors degree in physics. internet hall of fame
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    Stallman writes and publishes a paper on AI truth maintenance system called "Depending-Directed Backtracking" springer link
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    Stallman decides to quit his job at MIT to focus on the GNU project which is a free software and was a mass collaboration.[wikipedia](project.,Science%20and%20Artificial%20Intelligence%20Laboratory.)
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    Stallman invented the concept of copyleft a legal technique to protect the modification rights for all of the free software Richard stallman's personal site
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    Stallman receives honorary life time membership in the Chalmers Computer Society MUMSI
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    Stallman receives the Association for Computing's Grace Murray Hopper Award "For pioneering work in the development of the extensible editor EMACS (Editing Macros)." Richard stallman's personal site
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    In 1991, Linus Torvalds, a Finnish student, used the GNU development tools to produce the Linux kernel. The existing programs from the GNU project were readily ported to run on the resultant platform; most sources use the name "Linux" to refer to the general-purpose operating system thus formed. This has been a longstanding naming controversy in the free software community. Center for computing history
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    Stallman published an essay titled "The Cathedral and the Bazaar," contrasting different software development [newsy](models.
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    Stallman resigned as president of the FSF in 2019 amid controversy over his comments on a related [fsf](topic.
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    An open letter was circulated in 2021, calling for Stallman's removal from leadership positions. open letter