
Revolutions Timeline

  • Stamp Act in American Revolution

    Stamp Act in American Revolution
    The parliament passed the first internal tax on the colonists. This law required colonists to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used.
  • Starting of American Revolution

    Starting of American Revolution
    Shots were fired in the center of Lexington, Massachusetts which started the American Revolution.
  • Declaration of Independence in American Revolution

    Declaration of Independence in American Revolution
    2nd Continental Congress issues formal declaration of separation from British
  • End of American Revolution

    End of American Revolution
    It ended with the treaty of paris & the United States of America became a free nation, no longer subject to British control
  • The National Assembly in French Revolution

    The National Assembly in French Revolution
    The National Assembly of the new parliament seized all the church lands to further suppress religion. It assigns a committee of thirty members to draft a constitution.
  • Starting of French Revolution

    Starting of French Revolution
    Started with the Storming of the Bastille prison
  • Abolition of Feudalism

    Abolition of Feudalism
    Feudalism is abolished & the right of everyone to be a free citizen is declared.
  • Declaration of the Rights of man & citizen in French Revolution

    Declaration of the Rights of man & citizen in French Revolution
    Text that Was approved by the National Assembly. This justified the destruction of a government based upon absolutism & privilege
  • Beginning of Haitan Revolution

    Beginning of Haitan Revolution
    Begins with the Bois Caiman ceremony.
  • Rebellion in Haitan Revolution

    Rebellion in Haitan Revolution
    The slave Toussaint l’Overture led the rebelling against the planters
  • Slavery abolished in French Revolution

    Slavery abolished in French Revolution
    The First Republic voted for the abolition of slavery in all the French colonies.
  • French Revolution Ended

     French Revolution Ended
  • The grip of the French lossening

    The grip of the French lossening
    In August of 1802 Leclerc ordered Toussaint's general, Jean-Jacques Dessalines and other officers to take the rebel slave's weapons but their attempt failed.
  • End of Haitan Revolution

    End of Haitan Revolution
    Dessalines declared the nation independent and renamed it Haiti.
  • Latin Revolution

    Spain recognizes independence of new countries
  • Beginning of Latin Revolution

    Beginning of Latin Revolution