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  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    It occurs due to an economic, social and political crisis that France is going through. That is why the people proposed a tax reform.
  • The Convention 1792 to 1795

    The Convention 1792 to 1795
    In 1972 the Convention is created, abolishing the monarchy and proclaiming the republic. The Battle of Valmy also took place. in November the revolution was secured with a victory at Jemappes. There was a great debate between Girondists and Jacobins, they got the monarch to be sentenced to death in January 1793. This led to the creation of an international coalition. the Convention declared the levy en masse. In 1973 Robespierre came to power and the despotism of freedom began.
  • The National Assembly 1789 to 1792

    The National Assembly 1789 to 1792
    To provide for a constitution, the privileged opened the national constituent assembly. In the summer of 1789 antiseignorial riots multiplied. At the end of August the assembly approved the declarations of the rights of the citizen and of man. Power was divided. In October 1791 a legislative assembly was created, divided between revolutionaries and anti-revolutionaries. In April 1792 the Assembly declared war on Asturias. On August 10 there was an assault on the Tuileries Palace.
  • The Directory 1795-1799

    The Directory 1795-1799
    On July 27, 1794, the republic was ended and the convention passed to the conservative leaders, who in September of the following year decreed the constitution of year 3, in which a directory is in charge of the executive power. There were some riots and conspiracies. On November 9, 1799 there was a coup, in which Napoleon was the protagonist, which ended the revolution.
  • The construction of the Napoleonic empire 1796-1804

    The construction of the Napoleonic empire 1796-1804
    In 1976, the Directorate gave him command of the Italian army. After several victories, Napoleon returned to his country as a national hero. On December 2, 1804, Napoleon was crowned Emperor of France. He then established a series of administrative reforms that laid the foundations of the contemporary French state. The Napoleonic Empire extended its borders throughout Europe. Napoleon's arrival in other countries was seen as a liberation from the monarchy.
  • The Napoleonic defeat 1805-1821

    The Napoleonic defeat 1805-1821
    The Napoleonic army suffered multiple defeats, but the biggest was against Russia, which ended with a retreat in winter, out of 1,000,000 soldiers, only 100,000 were unharmed. After the defeat against the United Kingdom in Leipzig, forcing Napoleon's abdication in 1814 to the island of Elba. In March 1815 he returned to power until he suffered another defeat by the international army at Waterloo and was exiled to St. Helena Island where he died in 1821.
  • The Restoration (First juncture) 1820 -1824

    The Restoration (First juncture) 1820 -1824
    They sought to restore the traditional political order (defense of absolutism, the church and the aristocracy) and the balance of powers to avoid wars and revolutions. Austria dominated northern Italy, Prussia expanded its territory into Germany, and Russia into Poland and Finland. Britain secured its political dominance. The kingdom of the Netherlands was born with the union of Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg. France returned to its pre-revolution borders without punishment.
  • European conflicts for hegemony

    European conflicts for hegemony
    The fragile balance of powers that existed within the Old Continent was threatened by political rivalry and economic competition from the large states. France, the United Kingdom and, European conflicts for hegemony to a lesser extent, Germany, maintained liberal political regimes that were moving towards democracy.
  • Revolutionary movements of 1820

    Revolutionary movements of 1820
    It began in Spain because the troops had to quell the independence revolts in the American colonies, which ended up becoming independent. This prompted the revolts in southern Europe, which were failed by the absolutist monarchies. Only the Greeks triumphed against the Turkish empire (1821-1929) since they had the support of the European population. The Ottoman Empire saw its power decline and it suffered military harassment from France, the United Kingdom, Austria, and Russia.
  • The Revolutions of 1830 (Second Conjuncture)

    The Revolutions of 1830 (Second Conjuncture)
    In France it started in July. They had a general and nationalistic character and had the complicity of a part of the army. When King Carlos X went into exile and the throne was occupied by Luis Felipe de Orleans, who defended the interests of the bourgeoisie and a liberal constitution.
  • Las Revoluciones de 1830 (Segunda coyuntura)

    Las Revoluciones de 1830 (Segunda coyuntura)
    In Belgium it started in August. The society was divided, to the south they were majority Catholic and French-speaking, with greater economic development they opposed the Dutch political dominance. On October 4, they expelled the Dutch troops from Brussels and declared the country's independence, which was accepted at the London Conference in 1831.
  • The Revolutions of 1830 (Second Conjuncture)

    The Revolutions of 1830 (Second Conjuncture)
    In Poland the absolutism of Alexander I prevailed, limiting the autonomy of the Poles and pursuing their culture, language and religion. In Modena, Parma, Bologna and the Papal States the uprisings were crushed by Austrian troops.
  • The first democracies:United Kingdom and France / 1837-1901→ United Kingdom

    The first democracies:United Kingdom and France / 1837-1901→ United Kingdom
    In the United Kingdom, the history of the 19th century is marked by the long period on the throne of Queen Victoria. In Parliament, the House of Commons, dominated by the commercial and industrial bourgeoisie, gained prominence against the aristocracy represented in the House of Lords. The political debates confronted the two major parties that the United Kingdom and France alternated in government: the conservatives and the liberals.
  • The spring of the peoples (Third conjuncture)

    The spring of the peoples (Third conjuncture)
    The end of the revolutionary waves against the absolutist monarchies. There was malaise over bad harvests, lack of food, and impoverishment. Authoritarian measures were imposed that caused a popular revolt. This caused the king to flee. The 2nd Republic and a provisional government were proclaimed. The popular classes and the bourgeoisie continued to clash. In 1849 Napoleon achieved the presidency, and in 1851 he proclaimed himself emperor. The protests spread to the rest of the continent.
  • Multinational European empires

    Multinational European empires
    The process of democratization of the western states passed us the borders of the old European empires of central and eastern Europe. The two empires held vast territories with a multinational great ethnic and cultural diversity. The internal tensions and divisions and if it aligns.
  • The question of the balkans of the Turkish empire /1853-1878

    The question of the balkans of the Turkish empire /1853-1878
    In the hornet's nest of the Balkans the nationalist aspirations of ethnic groups coincide with cultures and The question of different religions and the imperialist ambitions of Austria - Hungary and Russia, watched from the Balkans by the Turkish empire close by France and the United Kingdom. In 1853, Russia, protector of Orthodox Christians, attacked the Ottoman Empire, it was the beginning of the Crimean War.
  • The first democracies:United Kingdom and France / 1860-1879→ France

    The first democracies:United Kingdom and France / 1860-1879→ France
    The political history of France in the second half of the nineteenth century was much more turbulent than that of Great Britain. But in the 1860s, increasing political opposition and pressure from the labor movement forced the emperor to adopt legislative, educational, and social reforms in a liberalizing direction.
  • The II Reich. Bismarckian Germany

    The II Reich. Bismarckian Germany
    The government of Kaiser Wilhelm I and his Chancellor Bismarck always maintained a marked authoritarian accent. Furthermore, Bismarck's mediation between Austria - Hungary and Russia was intended to avoid consequences of a possible conflict between the empires that aspire to control the Balkans. The imperialist conflicts ignited the European rivalries France approached Russia and the United Kingdom, ended their isolation, and all the powers launched into the arms race.