French Indian War
The French and the British were fighting over the Ohio River Valley. The war cost the British a lot of money. The British won but were in significant debt. To pay off the debt they increased the taxes. -
The Stamp Act
The Stamp Act of 1765 was the first internal tax and it was directly on the American colonists by the British Parliament. The act was a tax on all paper documents in the colonies. The British did it because they were in debt and were looking for the American colonies as a source of more money. -
Quartering Act
The Quartering Act was an act that allowed royal governors soldiers etc to live inside people's homes. In 1774 following the Boston Tea Party the British passed 4 acts known as coercive acts. The acts closed ports and took away Massachusetts to govern themselves and administer justice to the British. -
Townshend Act
The Townshend Act was passed by the British Parliament in 1767. It taxed imported goods that were being sent to American colonies. Also, the British sent troops to enforce this law which increased the tension between Americans and British people. -
The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was a deadly fight that was the reason that the war between Americans and the British began. A street brawl between an American Colonist and a British Soldier escalated into a bloody slaughter. And the murders that happened that day energized the anti-British sentiment and paved the way for the American Revolution. -
The Battle Of Lexington and Concord
Thomas gage intended to punish colonists for defying them and their kind so they went to seize their weapons that were stored in concord. But Americans soldiers noticed that British soldiers were on their way which resulted in a shoot out between the two sides. And in a result, the Americans won and had fewer casualties. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
In the battle of Bunker Hill the Americans lost their Generals but not as many casualties as the British. which the Britsh was more at a lost due to the amount of soldiers that died that day. This resulted in the British to plan more cautiously. -
Battle of Trenton and Princeton
George Washington created a plan that would improve the fortune of American forces. George Washington and his troops made a surprise attack on a garrison of 1500 Hessians. And the Americans won the fight and also in the fight in Princeton and these battles won the loyalty of his soldiers. -
Battle of Saratoga
The battle of Saratoga was during the 2nd year of the American Revolution. The Americans allied with the French and Spanish to join the fight during the fight. The Battle of Saratoga included 2 crucial fights. The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the War. The War helped to secure the foreign support the Americans needed to win the war. -
Battle of Yorktown
British General Charles Cornwallis and the army surrendered to the George Washington Amercian force and French allies. The result of that fight marked the last major battle of the American Revolution. Also this major fight led to the talk about the peace treaty and establishing their independence. -
Treaty of Paris
The treaty of Paris ended the American Revolutionary War. American statesmen negotiated the peace treaty with the representatives of King George III of Great Britain. And they were allowed independence near the Mississippi River to the US.