The Sugar Act
This was the first act passed by Parliament. It taxed molasses, and this made colonists angry. -
Townshend Acts
This act replaced the Stamp Act, and taxed paint, lead, oil, glass, paper, and tea. -
The Boston Party
The Sons of Liberty dressed up as Tomahawk Indians, and threw 340 crates of tea overboard a British ship. -
Paul Revere's Midnight Ride
Paul Revere set out to warn many colonist about the British rowing their boats across the river. -
The Shot Heard Around the World
This was the first shot of the Revolutionary War. To this day, nobody knows who shot the first shot. -
Fort Ticonderoga Attack
Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys captured this fort without a shot fired -
The Declaration of Independence
This petition was to declare the colonists' independence and freedom they wanted from the British. -
The Battle of Saratoga
This was a turning point in the Revolution for the Patriots -
The End Of the Revolutionary War
The end of this war was a day that the Patriots gained their independence. -
The U.S Constitution
This listed the rights the Americans had now that they were free from the British.