Period: to
Revolutionary War Timeline
Proclamation of 1763
The Proclamation of 1763 banned settlers from settling past the Appalachian Mountains. It was significant because it made the the colonists angry, and most people did not obey it very well. They moved westward anyways and caused more wars. -
Boston Massacre
During the Boston Massacre, a group of British regulars killed 5 colonists. This is significant because it showed the tension between the British soldiers and the colonies because of the Acts they had to enforce. The soldiers were not found guilty and weren't charged for their actions. -
Boston Tea Party
During the Boston Tea Party, a group of Massachusetts Patriots threw 342 chests of imported tea into the Boston Harbor. This was significant because they were protesting the taxes put on the imported tea, and it led to the Intolerable Acts. -
Battles of Lexington and Concord
Confrontations on the Lexington town green is what started the fighting, because British troops had been sent in to steal the Patriots arms cache. This is significant because it is essentially the battle that began the Revolutionary War. -
The Battle of Fort Ticonderoga
A group of Patriots took artillery and other arms and cannons from the British at the Fort. It is significant because it forced the British Army to withdraw from Boston. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
The colonists learned that the British were going to send into the hillls around the city, so the colonists set up their own troops in the hills to protect them. The British troops took over the hills on the 3rd assault and made the colonists retreat. The significance was the although there were many significant Patriot losses, the British also lost many soldiers, and the colonists were able to retreat and regoup. -
Olive Branch Petition
The Olive Branch Petition was written as a final attempt to avoid a full-out war between Britain and the colonies. It is significant because the King's rejection of this petition gave the colonists the courage to break free from Britain and be independent of the King's rule. -
Publishing of Common Sense
Common sense was published by Thomas Paine and advocated for the colonies to be free from Great Britain. The significance of this event is that he challenged the authority of the British government and monarchy. He was the first to openly ask for independance from Britain. -
The Battle of Dorchester Heights
800 American soldiers stood guard by the Dorchester River, and 1200 American soldiers were at Dorchester Heights. They built a structure to defend against the British Army, and Oxen pulled in thousands of pounds of arms and artillery without the British noticing. The significane of this event is that the bad weather forced the Royal Navy to evacuate Boston. -
The Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson wrote this document about what rights the colonists wanted and the reasons they rebelled against Great Britain. It is significant because it states all of our rights as citizens of America and also is the reason for July 4th and our independence. -
The Battle of Trenton
George Washington's troops captured the Hessian force after a short battle north of Trenton, NJ, the morning after George Washington had crossed the Delaware River. This was significant because it inspired the Continental Army troops who had lost several battles. It inspired not only re-enlistment, but for the troops to serve longer and bring in other new recuits. -
The Battle of Princeton
Troops were going agains 2 British armies and were just about to give up when Wahington came in with reinforcements and got the fleeing trooops back together and forced the British to retreat. The significance of this was that it was the 3rd victory in 10 days, it rose hope and ambition for the war and inspired more men to enlist, and this was George Washington's last big action in New Jersey. -
Battle of Saratoga
The Patriots' spirits were very low, and there was little confidence. The first fight took place on John Freeman's farm, and there were major casualties on the British side. The second fight was on October 7, 1777, and there was intense fighting but the British were driven back and forced to surrender. This battle was significant because it convinced France, Spain, and Holland to give the Patriots formal supplies and support, gave everyone higher hopes and support for the war, and inspired all. -
Battle of Valley Forge
No actual battle was fought here, instead it was a 6 month encampment. The conditions were terrible and mot people lost hope and some left or died. The weather was terrible and the was lack of adecquate necessities such as food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. However, the significance of this event is that conditions eventually improved and the soldiers were trained and given renewed hope, determination, confidence, and skill that helped to win the war. -
Battle of Yorktown
French soldiers came to help American armies. They united North of New York and began moving south toward Virginia using deceptive tactics to make the British think they were going to ceize New York. The significance was that it was the last major land battle of the Revolutionary War. It was a big victory for the American troops because they captured both Cornwallis and his army and forced them to surrender so that the British negotiated an end to the war. -
Treaty of Paris 1783
The peace nogotiations started April of 1782 in Paris, France. The American Congress of the Confederation then ratified the treaty in January of 1784. All ratified copies were signed and exchanged in Paris in <ay of 1784. The significance of this is that this treaty ended the American Revolutionary War between Great Britain and the United States of America and its allies - France, Spain and Dutch Republic.