Revolutionary War Timeline

  • Sam Adams is born

    Sam Adams is born
    Sam Adams was a general of the rebels in the leading into the Revolution, Sam Adams attended the Continental Congress which was an act of rebellion against the British after the British passed the Intolerable Acts.
  • Martha Custis Washington

    Martha Custis Washington
    The "First Lady" of the United States, married to George Washington.
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    George Washington was a general in the revolution, and he was also our first president.
  • Paul Revere is born

    Paul Revere is born
    Paul Revere warned the patriots about the British going to Concord to steal their military supplies.
  • John Adams is born

    John Adams is born
    John Adams was the 2nd president of the United States and was a large part of the Revolution. He was one to convince the Congress to rebel against the British to obtain freedom. He was also a helping hand in writing the Decloration of Independance.
  • Thomas Paine is born

    Thomas Paine is born
    Thomas Paine was the author of Common Sense, a book about American Freedom.
  • Lord Cornwallis

    Lord Cornwallis was a leader of the British troops in the war. He was the one to surrender to the Patriots which ended the war and gave the patriots their freedom.
  • Benedict Arnold

    Benedict Arnold
    Benedict Arnold was a general for the patriots during the war. He also built a fort in West Point to hide from the British.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson served in the Continental Congress, and was the final writer of the Declaration of Independance. Also our 3rd President.
  • Abigail Adams

    Abigail Adams
    Wife of John Adams, second president
  • Treaty of Paris

    After the British took victory in the French and Indian war, Britain, Spain, and France issued a treaty for peace.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763 was created after the French and Indian War ended, The King created it to calm the Indians who were afraid of the colonists taking over their land.
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty was a organization of Ameican Patriots that originated in the North British Colonies.
  • Hessians

    Hessians were German soldiers who allied with the Patriots in the war. About 13,000 Hessians fought in the Revolution.
  • Quartering Act

    The colonists didn't want to pay for quartering in the colonies, so Britain issued the Quartering Act to place a law that stated the colonists had to pay for housing in attemp to retake control of the colonies.
  • Stamp Act

    The British issued a law in 1765 that stated that all printed papers were to be printed in London with a London stamp, taking away the colonists rights.
  • Townshend Acts

    The British issued 5 laws on the colonists- Revenue Act of 1767, Indemity Act, Commissioners of Customs Act, Vice Admiralty Act, and the New York Restraining Act. These were put into place to raise the renevue in the colonies to pay salaries of the British government.
  • Boston Massacre

    Britsh soldiers went to Boston, Massachussetts and killed 5 civilian colonists.
  • Intolerable Acts

    The British Paralement passed the Intolerable Acts mostly towaed Massachussetts after the Boston Tea Party.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Political protesters against the recent tea taxes on the colonists boarded ships carrying tea from India and threw the tea into the Boston Bay, ruining the tea.
  • 1st Continental Congress

    A delegation of 12 colonies (Georgia not included) at Carpenters Hall in response to the passage of the Intolerable Acts. Colonists felt negative toward the act and tried to put a stop to it.
  • Battles of Lexington & Concord

    British soldiers had orders to get to Concord to capture and destroy the military supply of the colonists. Paul Revere warned the colonists and the patriots tried to stop the British.
  • Loyalists

    The loyalists were colonistst that were loyal to the British Paralement during the war. Many disputes were caused where loyalists and patriots fought.
  • Patriots

    The patriots were colonists that started the rebellion against Britain. The patriots were the main people that fought against the British for freedom.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    In Saratoga, New York, there was a battle that was a turning point in the Revolutionary War.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    The Americans, with their French allies, fought against the British in the last known war on land of the Revolutionary War.
  • Treaty of Paris

    After the British surrendered to the colonists, the Treaty of Paris signified the end of the war.