Declaration of independence (1819), by john trumbull

Revolutionary War Timeline

  • Paul Revere's ride

    Paul Revere's ride
    Paul Revere's ride occurred on April 18, 1775 marked the start of the Revolutionary War, as Paul Revere went in the middle of the night to warn to the rest of the colonists that the British are approaching to attack them, this signified the colonists ability to communicate and forge together in strategy and organization.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    The Battles of Lexington and Concord was the first battles of the war between the British army which was commanded by Colonel Francis Smith and John Pitcairn. They wanted to destroy the colonists equipment meant for military use, but the colonists defended themselves instead during the battles. Which ended in British casualty of 73 deaths, 174 wounded, and 26 are missing, this event was an example of the colonists ability to defend themselves against the British.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    During the Battle of Bunker Hill, the British army was commanded by colonel William Howe, he planned on sending troops to occupy hills around the city, giving them control of the Boston Harbor, and a big advantage in the war. William Prescott in response secretly occupied Bunker Hill, but their position was known by the British. By the end of the battle it was tactically won by the British but they suffered severe loss, losing 228 men and 828 wounded.
  • Creation of the Declaration of Independence

    Creation of the Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was drafted on June 6, 1776 by Thomas Jefferson. Along with John Adams, Ben Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston. This document was made for the purpose of listing the colonies grievances with Britian, rally their allies against Britain, and overall declare their independence from Britain. This established the United States and their values of consent of the governed and personal rights.
  • Thomas Paine's Writing of "The American Crisis"

    Thomas Paine's Writing of "The American Crisis"
    This document "The American Crisis" by Thomas Paine was drafted for the purpose of inspiring the colonists in war, which was read to the soldiers before the Battle of Trenton by George Washington, to fill the troops with resilience and will for the battle to come
  • Crossing of the Delaware River

    Crossing of the Delaware River
    Evening of Dec 25, George Washington commanded his troops to cross on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware River, for the purpose of transporting military equipment and soldiers over to contribute to the war effort. This event is very significant as it shows the determination of the US army in its victories, as this crossing determined the victor of the battle of Trenton.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    This battle occurred after the crossing of the Delaware River, George Washington divided command of his army to General John Sullivan and Nathanial Greene, who were fighting against Colonel Johann Rall and his British troops. The forces of Georges army takes Rall by surprise by surrounding his forces and cutting off paths of retreat, leading to British defeat. This battle was the first significant victory for the US in a long time, this battle left 5 Americans dead and 905 British deaths.
  • Battle of Philadelphia

    Battle of Philadelphia
    This battle started by William Howe's goal for occupation of Philidelphia, which was resistence by George Washington and his army in Brandywine Creek. This battle was fought all day, but ended in British victory as William Howe flanked Washingtons forces during the battle, allowing the British to march and occupy Philidelphia. This was a very significant blow to the American cause and their chances of victory in this war, as their Captial city was lost.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    This battle started with John Burgoyne the commander of the British forces dividing his army into 3 to fight American defenses. This battle lasted until the British stopped to replenish their forces. John thought the Americans were getting reinforcements as well, so he decided to push more into battle, but this gets them trapped in the New York forest, allowing the Americans to replenish their men by the thousands, surrounding the British and defeating them, leaving 1,135 British troops dead.
  • The Winter at Valley Forge

    The Winter at Valley Forge
    The Winter at Valley Forge was the worst winter ever experienced in the War, the winter was experienced by the Continental Army led by George Washington. They faced regular freezing, thawing, snowfall, rain, barely any food and clothes. The army survived this by building cabins, procuring supplies, craft gear and clothes. This showed the continental army's resilliance when it came down to difficult situations like this, it should how important their freedom was and it was worth any price.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    During this battle, the Americans made allies with the French that had a hand in winning this war, they arrive in yorktown for a seige against the British. Both George Washington and Rochambeau were commanding the armies for this battle, against the commander of the British forces Charles Cornwallis. This battle eventually leads to the British surrendering, but Washington refuses this surrender. This battle marks the end of the war, which ultimately leads to the full independence of the USA.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The signing of this Treaty marked the end of the American War for Independence, this conflict between the British and American colonists ended with this treaty being signed in Paris by the representatives of King George lll of Great Britain, formally recognizing the United States as an independent nation, free from the control of Britain.