Revolutionary War

  • The Stamp Act

    Britain passed the Stamp Act, creating a tax on documents such as newspapers, legal documents, mail, and many more. This being the first direct tax on America, the colonists were not happy and began protesting the act pushing tension between America and Britain
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was a riot in Massachusetts. The riot happened on King Street in Boston. It was between American Colonists and British soldiers that ended in a massacre in the street. The Soldiers were there to enforce the Townshend Act which placed taxes on many things like tea, paper, and paint. This started the revolt against British rule .
  • war starts

    The first shots of the war were fired in Lexington and Concord Massachusetts. Word spread very fast causing many volunteers to sign up for war.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    This was the first major battle of the Revolutionary War. The American colonies won this battle, wounding and killing over half of the British Soldiers fighting.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The founding fathers came together to form the Declaration of Independence. This document inforced the independence of America taking it out from under Britain's rule. King George was not happy.
  • France enters the war

    France entered the war as allies of America. France decided to enter on America's behalf after seeing them hold their own through multiple battles when the odds were against them.
  • Britain takes Charleston

    British soldiers took over Charleston, South Carolina with the help of a very large army and took patriot armies captive. This was one of the worst defeats of the war for America. Losing Charleston was a huge defeat as they were losing a major port city within America.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown was one of the biggest victories for America. With a joint of French and American armies coming toward a very large British army, the British know they can't defeat these armies. They surrender.
  • End of War

    The Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War. The treaty secured America's independence and Britain began to separate from the US.