The First Treaty Of Paris
The war bewteen Great Britainin Canada ended with the battle of Montreal.However batles between the two countries proceeded in Europe until 1763 when Great Britain defeated France. The two countries singed the Treaty of Paris, ending thr French and -
The Proclamation of 1763
At the end of the French and Indian war the singned the Proclamation of 1783. The proclamation gave the Indians land to the west. -
The Stamp Act
After the French and Indean war was very costly for the British. The British began taxing the colonists so they could get some money back. One way they did it was with the Stamp Act. Passed in 1765 the Stamp Act taxed all printed documents. These included letters,wills,newspapers,and even playing cards. It was repealed in 1766 -
Quartering Act
The Quartering Act forced coloniests by law to provide British soldiers with a decent place to stay. They also had to provide food for the British soldier staying with them. Many colonists very angrey with the law so it was the reason for many acts of rebellion. -
The Townshed Act
In 1767 Parliment passed the Townshed Acts. The Townshed Acts taxed all factory-made goods. These included goods such as paper,glass, and paint. Yet again the colonists boycotted these goods. It was later repealed in March 1770 -
The Boston Massare
The Boston Massacre happend on March 5, 1770. A group of British soldiers came to help gaurd that was being botherd by a pestering group of paople throwing snowballs. The soldiers fired shotes into the crowed. They killed three people. Crispus Attucks, Patrick Carr, Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick, and James Caldwell -
Period: to
Revalutionary War
The Tea Act
The Tea Act was passed to help the British East India Company. Parliment let the British East India Comapny sell teawithout paying import taxes. Instead they put the taxe on the colonists. The tax was low however it angerd the colonists because another law had been passed with out their consent. -
The Boston Tea Party
This famed act of rebelion was a protest to The Tea Act of 1773. While some rejeced the tea from Britain others took it to the next level. One night on December 16, 1773 Samuel Adams and the Sons of Libery climed aboard three ships in the Boston harbor and threw 342 chests of tea overboard. -
The Olive Branch Petition
The Olive Branch Petition was a last attempt to make peace and avoid the war. However King George the third was so angrey that he didn't even read it. It is called the Olive Branch Petition because they sent it with a olive brch. They used a olive branch because it was a symbol of peace. -
The Common Sense Document
Tomas Paine was a author and wrote this document to discuss his arguments about the war. This documet which is really a pamphlet played a importent role in the war. -
Declaration of Independence
Tomas Jefferson drafted the Decleration of Independence. However most of the things he originally wrote down were changed. For example he attacked the slave trade. This was later changed it. It was eventually signed by 56 delegets. -
The Secound Treaty of Paris
The Amarican Revolution officially ended when France, Spain, Britain, and Amarica signed the second Treaty of Paris. Signing it made Amarica a free country. It also ended the Amarican Revolution.