Revolutionary War

  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was the taxing on paper product by the British Government. This outraged the colonists. It caused the boycott of paper goods imported form Great Britain in the colonies. This event was symmetrical because the British taxed paper products, which caused the colonist to boycott those products.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    This was the boiling point of the colonist against the British. Five colonists were killed that night. This killing took place on a street in Boston, Massachusetts. This event was symmetrical because the colonist threw snow balls at the British, so the British fired their guns back in response.
  • The Tea Tax

    The Tea Tax
    The tea tax in Boston, Massachusetts caused the Boston Tea Party. The patriots reacted to the tea tax by dumping the tea into the harbor. They did not make a huge scene, they just went on a ship and dumped it into the harbor. This event was asymmetrical because the British did not think the colonist would dump the tea into the harbor.
  • Lexington/ Concord

    Lexington/ Concord
    The battle of Lexington was the battle that started the war. General Gage sent 700 of his men to Concord to destroy guns and ammunition bases. These guns and ammunition bases supplied the Colonial Army. This battle had the first shots for the American Revolution starting an 8 year war. This event was asymmetrical because the Patriots and the British were not expecting to fight.
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    Bunker Hill was one of the bloodiest battles of the Revolution. This battle was a hard to fight because it was on a hill. The patriots on the top of the hill had an advantage over the British. This way of fighting, uphill, was unheard of. Even though the Patriots had the uphill advantage, the British won. This event was symmetrical because the British was stronger, so they could fight up hill and win.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    The Common Sense document made people realize that they could win the war with Great Britain. This document was written by Thomas Paine in 1776. It helped boost confidence in the people. This event was asymmetrical because the British did not expect a this surge of inspiration to happen with this document.
  • Declaration of Independance

    Declaration of Independance
    The Declaration of Independence was the document that declared war with the British. It also stated that the colonies wanted to break away from Mother Britain. The colonists did not like that the British controlled everything and how they took advantage of them. This event was symmetrical because this document declared war and the reaction was indeed war.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    The Battle of Trenton was won by General George Washington and his army. General George Washington was fighting the British Hessians. The British were outnumbered by people and weaponry, about 2-1. This event is asymmetrical because the British are supposed to be the best, but they got beat in this battle by the colonists.
  • Continental Army wintering at Valley Forge

    Continental Army wintering at Valley Forge
    The winter of 1777 was a winter that was cold and harmful for the troops. The weather was bitter cold and there was little food available for the troops. A cease fire was called for the winter months because of the harmful conditions. This was symmetrical because both sides did the same thing.
  • War in the South/Charleston

    War in the South/Charleston
    The battle in Charleston, North Carolina was a siege. The French helped the Americans win this battle. The British were tired of war. They did not fight fair, which made the colonist very anger. This anger helped boost the colonists fighting helping them win. This event is asymmetrical because the British did not expect to lose the American Revolution.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    This battle was won by the Patriots. They were assisted in this win by the French. This battle was fought on foot with muskets and artillery. This event was symmetrical because the patriots knew how to fight this battle and this helped them win.