Loyalists were people who did not believe in America's freedom. About 15-10% of colonists were loyalists, especially slaves who would be promised freedom if they were on Britain's side. A lot of these people were influenced into patriotism. -
These people were ones that violently rebelled against British rule. They were the fiercest fighters, and were against loyolists. These are the people who REALLY won the Revolutionary War. -
Period: to
Revolutionary War Events
Treaty of Paris - 1763
The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War. It helped start the Revolutionary War because Britain had a lot of war expenses which influenced taxes on the colonists. -
Proclamation of 1763
This event was a proclamation from King George III stating that settlers in the Americas could not settle past the Appalaichan mountains to keep trade stable with the Native Americans. This influenced the Revolutionary War because settlers did not have freedom of settlement and they wanted as much land as possible to settle on. -
Stamp Act
The Stamp Act was an act of the British putting taxes on everything in America, like letters and tea. This was to pay for the British's military expenses from the French and Indian War. This did not pplease the colonists, since they thought a military of America would have done just fine, and they did not need the British military. This event also influenced rebellion against Britain in the Revolutionary War. -
Period: to
Intolerable Acts
The Intolerable Acts included the Boston Port Act, Administration of Justice Act, Massachusetts Government Act, Quartering Act, and Quebec Act. All of these mainly enforced and strengthened the King's power. This affected the colonies because the King had more power over them. Also, this angered the colonies into war for freedom, so this was another influence of the Rev. War. -
Townshend Acts =
This date marks when the Townshend Acts were passed. The Townshend Acts taxed glass, paint, oil, lead, paper, and tea. This also influenced the Rev. War like a lot of other events because it angered the colonists by angering them with losing money. -
Boston Massacre #$
In the Boston Massacre, a group of colonists surrounded a British Sentry, and harassed and verbally abused the British. The British fired into the crowd, killing five people and injuring six others. This event is considered one of the most important influencing the revolutionary War, since it largely destroyed the connections of colonists to British rule. -
Boston Tea Party # $ -
This event was where Americans disguised as Native Americans dumped tea off of the tea ships in the Boston Harbor to rebel against taxing tea. The British government responded harshly, influencing the American Revolution. This just made evryone more angry with each other, making each side want to fight even more. -
Sons of Liberty - = +
This group of people protected the colonists from the British goernment abuses and protected colonist's rights. They are the ones who organized the Boston Tea Party. These people were very significant in the Rev. War because they were like super-patriots. They really believed in America and didn't give up. These people were the ones who really fought for freedom. -
Intolerable Acts Passed
These acts included the Boston Port Act, Massachusetts Government Act, Administration of Justice Act, Quartering Act, and Quebec Act. These acts mainly enforced and strengthened British ruling and made colonists help British ruling. The colonists got very angered and these acts influenced the Continental Congress. -
Quartering Act
This law passed by British Parliament stated that people in the American colonies had no choice in housing British soldiers. This act expired on March 22, 1776. This influenced the Rev. War because the colonists felt weighted by Britain and felt less free because they had no choice in doing something that they were against. -
First Continental Congress $%&=
This was a group of delegates from 12 of the colonies (not including Georgia). They considered boycott on Britain and was influenced by the Intolerable Acts. They influenced each colony to set up its own malitia, making America stronger and more organized in the Rev. War. -
Common Sense ^
This was a panphlet written by Thomas Paine in about 1775 - 1776 that argued freedom of the colonies was best. It had the largest sale population in American history and was about as popular as the bible. It influenced believing in America because it spoke to the common person and really showed that freeing America was, well, Common Sense! -
Thomas Paine ^
This man was the author of Common Sense. He was a common man with a common education so he could really make his book speak to common people. He truly believed in freeing America, and the books he read made him a Rev. War activist. -
Paul Revere #
This man had a great significance in the Rev. War that many know him for. On the night of April 18 1775, Revere rode through present day Somerville, Medoford and Arlington shoughting, "The Regulars are coming out!". This warned people to prepare for a British attack. Revere was also a courier, which is very important to spread information. -
Battle of Lexington and Concord
This battle was the start of the Rev. War. No one knows who fired the first shot. It had a colonial victory. This event influenced the Rev. War because it marked Britain and America starting to separate. -
George Washington =
Washington became a general/commander in chief for America in the Rev. War. He was a great general, since he motivated his men and knew the land very well. He also created a boycott against the Townshend Acts. He was also a strong man who got what the military needed, like supplies. He was like the leader of the American Revolution. -
Period: to
Revolutionary War
Declaration of Independence $ % &
This was a declaration written by the Continental Congress that stated that the thirteen colonies would free themselves from Great britain and become a new nation. This was a turning point in the Revolutionary war, since it inspired the colonists. Also, it made the colonists rebel even more against British rule, making them more fierce. -
John Adams %
On 4 March, 1797 John Adams had his inauguration. This man was very active in congress and made a resolution to the Declaration of Independence. This resolution really affected the Revolutionary War because it inflenced Britain's decisions and really helped the USA in its way to freedom. Adams was also ambassador to France. -
Thomas Jefferson &
This man was one of our Founding Fathers. The important thing he did in the Rev. War was he wrote the Declaration of Independence. This is very important to the Rev. War because the Declaration declared fighting for freedom from Britain. This was a huge turning point in the war. -
Samuel Adams $
This man was one of our Founding Fathers. He fought for independence of the colonies and also participated in the Continental Congress. He was a popular leader who tried to influence people's opinions about freeing the colonies. -
Abigail Adams
This woman was the wife of John Adams. While John was in the Continental Congress, she wrote letters to him discussing important matters. John could make her opinions be heard, which is probably why he is such an important figure in history. Abigail was a help to John and can give us a primary source from her letters today. She also reminded John to incluse women and slaves in the Declaration. -
Hessians Arrive in NY ~
The Hessians were a group of German troups that aided the British in War during the Rev. War. They definitely strengthened British forces. They helped the British in almost every battle. -
Battle of Saratoga ~ + =
This battle was a turning point in the Rev. War. Before, the colonists had had a setback, but this great victory gave them confidence. It also influenced the French to help the colonists, which greatly made the colonist's force larger and stronger. -
Martha Custis Washington
The woman was the wife of George Washington. One of her roles in the Rev. War was bringing clothing to the colonial soldiers. In June of 1780, she and some other women organized a campaign to raise money for clothing for the soldiers. This probably heped the soldiers a llot, and upped their spirits which is impotant in war. The clothing also helped the soldiers with harsh cold in the future. -
Benedict Arnold +
The name Benedict Arnold is now used as a synonym to traitor. He was given the command of an American fort called West Point, but tried to give it to the British for a large amount of money because he was in debt. Before doing so, the word of this "traitor" was spread. He fled to the British side and later went back to England. -
Battle of Yorktown = {
This battle was a large American victory. 7,000 British soldiers were captured, and this battle started negotiation between Britain and the American colonies. It was a great event ending the Rev. War. -
General Lord Cornwallis {
This man was a British general during the American Revolution. He affected the Revolution because he did not have many victories against George Washington, assuming that he was a weak leader. Maybe if he had been a better leader, the colonies would not have won the war. He is remembered as the British General who surrendered at Yorktown. -
Treaty of Paris
This treaty ended the Revolutionary War. It acnowledged that America was a set of independent states. It gave the colonies freedom, and trade opputunities with Britain.