Revolutionary Timeline

  • 4. Writs of assistance

    4. Writs of assistance
    Allowed people to search all property of a person, were not really used until the new ones were passed in 1761
  • New writs of assistance

  • 10. Proclomation of 1763

    10. Proclomation of 1763
    A law that prevented western settlement after the french and Indian war.
  • Period: to

    Mild Tensions

  • 8. The Sugar act

    The sugar act was the first major tax that the British parliament set upon the British colonies.
  • 9. Stamp act

  • 7. Townshend acts

    Large tax on colonies including glass, tea, paper, etc.
  • 2. Boston Massacre

    2. Boston Massacre
    Violent pretest and assault of British soldiers leads to a group of soldiers firing into a crowd, 5 killed
  • Period: to

    High Tension

  • 5. Gaspee incident

    5. Gaspee incident
  • 3. Boston Tea Party

    3. Boston Tea Party
  • 1. Coercive acts

  • 6. Quebec act

  • Period: to

    Explosive Tensions

  • First conflict of Revolution starts (lexington and concord)