Revolutionary Period

  • French and Indian War Ends

    French and Indian War Ends
    With the Seven Years' War between Great Britain and France ending it caused the French to be kicked out and population pressure in British territory increased. But, the friction between the colonists and the British rose. The colonists lost a common enemy with Birtian and found a sense of unity.
  • Formation of the Sons of Liberty

    Formation of the Sons of Liberty
    Formed in Boston, MA by Samuel Adams and John Hancock the Sons of Liberty was a political organization that was active in the 13 Colonies. It was founded to advance the colonist's rights and fight the taxation done by the British government. Some famously known members are Paul Revere, John Adams, and Samuel Adams.
  • British Troops Occupy Boston

    British Troops Occupy Boston
    Due to rising tensions and royal officials and customs commissioners being attacked Major General Thomas Gage in New York ordered British troops to Boston. The first British fleet entered Boston Harbor carrying 1,000 soldiers and rose as time passed. Colonists were infuriated but things were somewhat peaceful although quiet tensions rose hitting full at the Boston Massacre.
  • Burning of Falmouth

    Burning of Falmouth
    At this point, the British grew fed up with the retaliation from the Colonists so they began retaliating against ports that supported Patriot activities. So, on their return fleet, they decided to burn the town of Falmouth. They destroyed a large portion of the town but were unable to end Patriot resistance in the area. However, as the news of the attack spread throughout the colonies it led to rejection of British authority and the beginning of the establishment of independent governments.
  • The Declaration of Independence is Published

    The Declaration of Independence is Published
    Following the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the colonies realized they needed a solid plan to win there independence. On this day the Continental Congress unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence, announcing the 13 colonies' severing their connection with Great Britain. This, caused the Continental Congress to convene once more to form a national government in order to form armies and strategize.
  • Lafayette Arrives in South Carolina

    Lafayette Arrives in South Carolina
    Lafayette was recruited into the American cause by Silas Deane, who led an American effort in Paris to enlist French officials. He defied the King's and his family's wishes, setting out with other officials on a 56-day voyage, landing in Georgetown, SC to volunteer for the Continental Army in Philadelphia. On July 31, the 19-year-old got his Major General's sash and days later, he met George Washington, who made him his second in command and formed a father-son bond.
  • Battle of Brandywine

    Battle of Brandywine
    The longest fight in the war with fighting being non-stop for 13 hours. But, it allowed Lafayette to prove himself to others by being an inspiration to the soldiers rushing in to join the failing flank of the forward fighters and encouraging them to stay the course. Even with the heavy loss of 1300 casualties (a combination of killed, wounded, missing, and captured) more than twice of the British it it was a valiant effort and marked the beginning of his service in the war.
  • Lafayette Returns to France

    Lafayette Returns to France
    Lafayette had asked to leave to return to France, followed by Benjamin Franklin and John Adams to win more support for the United States. This trip resulted in Lafayette's most significant contribution to the American Revolution as he convinced Louis XVI to send forces to America to aid the Patriots. So, on July 10, 1780, 5,500 French troops arrived in Rhode Island.
  • Period: to

    The Yorktown Campaign

  • Siege of Yorktown

    Siege of Yorktown
    Also known as the Virginia campaign, it was the final official engagement of the American Revolution. Washington's forces defeated Cornwallis' army in Yorktown, Virginia, and sparked the British government to negotiate an end to the conflict. This led directly to the peace treaty that ended the war in 1783 giving America its independence.
  • The Treaty of Paris is Ratified: American Revolution Ends

    The Treaty of Paris is Ratified: American Revolution Ends
    This treaty was signed by U.S. and British Representatives which ended the war of the American Revolution. It was based on the 1782 preliminary treaty, in which the agreement recognized the United States's independence and granted the US majority of western territory. This treaty was known as the Treaty of Paris.