Revolutionary Era

  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation was created after the French & Indian war. It allowed Indians to keep there land and not be driven out of it. It also created 4 new colonies. It was a hard life for the Indians now.
  • Period: to

    Road to Revoltionary Era

  • Sugar Act

    It is the first attempt to finance the deffense of the colonies by the British government. This act created the Vice-Admiralty Court in Halifax. When Nova started to smuggle cases without the jury approval this started a protest.
  • Quarting act & Stamp Act

    Quarting act & Stamp Act
    The governemnt required all newspapers, documents, and anything else related to be stamped. After in 1765 May 15 colonial assemblies required to pay supplies to British. New York strted a protest.
  • Declaritive Act

    Declaritive Act
    Parlimant finalises the stamp act. It allows the stamp act to tax the colonists.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    An angry civilian starts a right and throughs a snowball at a British soldier he slips and falls and his muscket shoots and kills 5 civilians.
  • Burning of Gaspee

    Burning of Gaspee
    Gaspee ran aground near providence and was burnt by locals angered by the inforcement of trade.
  • Tea Act

    An effort to support ailing east company. The British allowed the company to sell tea directly at the colonists. Americans saw it as an act for more taxes.
  • Boston teqa Party

    Because of Taxing the East Indians started to throw tea over a british ship. They were angered by the Tea act.
  • Intolerably act from May-June

    Angered of Massachusetts independents being shut down. After the Boston tea Party. The colonist angered with a boycott
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The first attack of British men and the Minute men. Which the battle came from a warning by Paul Revere.