Tennis Court Oath
the third estate had realized that they were being outvoted by the other two estates and none of their rebellions were working so they disbanded once the National assembly was created. then King Louis ordered the clergy and nobility to join with the third estate in the National Assembly. -
Fall of the Bastille
This starts the revolution: This is a prison in France that symbolizes royal authority and once it is destroyed by the people it is foreshadowing that the nobility will lose power. -
Great Fear
after the fall of the Bastille the nobility became afraid when commoners were attacking them. they were attacking the nobles due to rumors going around, they also br=urned documents and houses. -
The Declaration of the Rights of Man
This was a document inspired by John Locke's natural rights. it's main points were that men have certain rights that are present at all times no matter where they are. -
October March
The women in Paris were always the ones to buy food for the family. The price of bread rose up to some point where they couldn't even afford it anymore so 6000 women rioted this and went to versailles in demand of bread from the palace. They ended up killing two guards and dragging the king and queen to Paris. -
the Royal Escape
Louis XIV and Marie Antoniette are aware that they are in danger so they dress up as peasants and try to escape to Austria but are sent back to Paris when they get near the border -
Civil Constitution of Clergy
To get ride of some of France's debt they sold land of the church. THis was a law that put the power of the church under control of the state. -
Declaration of Pillnitz
This was a document that intended to avoid war. In the document it said Austria may only go to war if all the other major European countries go to war, it was meant to protect Louis XVI and his power. -
Constitution of 1791
This was a constitution based off of the English and British constitution meant to limit the power of the king and give soverignity to the people though this document did not do much. -
Creation of National Convention
Most of the people in France wanted to get rid of their king and believed the people making decisions should be elected so they formed the National Convention which would make legal decisions for them. -
Execution of a Monarch
The royal family was imprisoned in a stone tower. Jean Marat believed that the enemies of the revolution should be killed starting with the king. -
Reign of Terror Begins
Once the King was put in the Guillotine the Reign of Terror started. Each day many people would be brought to court then guillotined the next day, this fear was the Reign of Terror. -
Death of Robespierre and the end of the terror
People in the national committee became afraid of Robesspierre and believed he was the reason for all of the terror. In order to protect themselves they had him arrested and then killed in the guillotine. -
Thge constitution of 1795
This is the document that ends the french revolution and starts taking Napolean's power from him. -
Creation of the Directory
A group of five men with executive power in France during the French Revolution. -
Napoleon becomes consulate
After the fall of the directory the government for France was the consulate. Since Napoleon was the first consul he established himself as the head of the state. -
Concordat of 1801
This is an agreement between Napolean and Pope Pius the seventh. This declared the catholic church as the big deal in France and brought France's civil status back. -
Coronation of an Emperor
Napoleon was a different ruler and everyone wanted to prove this so they changed up how France worked and for the first time a monarch had a coronation ceremony. -
Battle of Trafalgar
An aquatic battle between Spain, France and Brittain, a victory for Brittain. France and Spain lost twenty two ships without any damage to any of the British ships so it showed their naval force to be superior. -
Battle of Austerlitz
This is one of Napolean's well known victories, also known as the battle of three emperors. this was the Russo-Austrian army with the leaders of Tsar Alexander I and Holy Roman Emperor Francis II, they were defeated by the French army and this ended the Third Coalition. -
Invasion of Spain
Napolian and Godoy had a treaty, the treaty of Fontainebleau, which led to war between Brittain and Portugal. France entered Spain and said they were invading Portugal but instead invaded Spain. -
Invasion of Russia
a turning point of Napoleon's wars, this weakened France and any allied forces. Starts to change Napoleon's reputation as an undeafeated ruler. -
Exile to Elba
During 1812 Napolean invaded Russia since Napolean was paranoid these troops eventually turned on him. he surrendered but this wasn't good enough so he was sent to the italian island of Elba after not being good enough for the throne so he was banished from France. -
Congress of Vienna
A conference for the ambassadors of European countries. They wanted to settle issues from the French Revolution, Napoletic wars, and the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire. at this conference they also reset the boundaries for countries. -
A Hundred Days
The Hundred days period between Napoleon's return from the exile in Alba to Paris. -
Battle of Waterloo
a battle near Waterloo. The imperial french army was defeated by the seventh coalition and Napolean loses power from this defeat.