revolution timeline

By ward038
  • french Indian

    Who:The French and Indian War involved British colonists and their Native American allies fighting against French forces and their Indigenous partners in North America.What: The French and Indian War resulted in a decisive British victory, leading to the transfer of French territories in North America to Britain and escalating tensions that contributed to the American Revolution. Why: The French and Indian War is important because it set the stage for American colonial discontent &independence.
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act of 1765 was a British law taxing printed materials in the American colonies. Who: The Stamp Act involved British Parliament imposing taxes on American colonists, leading to widespread protests and resistance. What: The Stamp Act required colonists to pay a tax on printed materials, prompting widespread protests and the formation of groups like the Sons of Liberty. Why(important): The Stamp Act united colonists against British taxation, fueling revolutionary sentiments.
  • Townshend acts

    Who: The Townshend Acts involved the British Parliament imposing taxes on American colonists, leading to protests from colonists and responses from British officials. What: During the Townshend Acts, Britain imposed taxes on imported goods, prompting widespread colonial protests and boycotts. Why(important): The Townshend Acts fueled colonial resistance, escalating tensions that led to the Revolutionary War.
  • Boston massacre

    Who: The Boston Massacre involved British soldiers and American colonists protesting British rule. What happened : The Boston Massacre occurred when British soldiers fired into a crowd of colonists, killing five and escalating tensions between Britain and the American colonies. Why(important): The Boston Massacre was important to the Revolutionary War because it became a symbol of British tyranny, rallying colonists to unite against British oppression.
  • Valley forge

    Who: Valley Forge involved the Continental Army, led by George Washington, during a harsh winter of training and struggle. What: At Valley Forge, the Continental Army endured a harsh winter, facing starvation and disease, but emerged stronger through training. Why(important): Valley Forge strengthened the Continental Army, preparing them for future battles in the Revolutionary War.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Who: The Battle of Yorktown involved American forces led by George Washington and French troops against British General Cornwallis. What: In the Battle of Yorktown, American and French forces besieged and forced British General Cornwallis to surrender, ending major fighting in the Revolutionary War. Why(important): The Battle of Yorktown was crucial as it led to the British surrender, effectively ending the Revolutionary War.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Who: The Treaty of Paris involved U.S. representatives like Benjamin Franklin and British officials negotiating American independence. What: The Treaty of Paris recognized American independence and established borders for the United States. Why(important): The Treaty of Paris is important because it formally ended the Revolutionary War and recognized American independence, shaping the future of the nation.